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On Thursday February 1st 2018 at 7:30pm AEDT, Marketing Matters launched on Sky News Business.

The primary aim of the show is to help small-medium businesses (SMEs) better achieve their objectives using a variety of practical marketing strategies and methods.

Hosted by small business owner (digital company, Tick Yes) and highly experienced industry and media expert, Peter Applebaum, Marketing Matters will feature real-life case studies and marketing panels including a broad range of business owners/managers and industry leaders discussing marketing tips, news and opportunities.

Marketing Matters is sponsored by Yellow, American Express, Optus, Qantas Business Rewards and Pure Profile.

Kylie Merritt, Commercial Director, Sky News said: “Marketing Matters is an exciting opportunity for Sky News Business to partner with industry leaders and provide our audience with actionable ideas.”

Research* of SME owners/managers conducted for Marketing Matters by Pure Profile identified a clear need for the program. Findings include:
82% are interested-very interested in watching a marketing show on TV
On the show, 64.3% want to see case studies / interviews with small business owners
65.6% want to attract new customers; 41% want to create awareness
N = 537 SME owners/managers respondents, December 2017

Marketing Matters is a 10-part program airing Thursdays 7:30pm AEDT from February 1st on Sky News Business. Sky News Business is Australia’s first and only 24-hour business channel available in Australia on Foxtel Channel 602 and internationally through Australia Channel

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