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Processors become faster, technology becomes cheaper and people learn more. This happens every year without fail and it’s great for the world as a whole. Robots and their accompanying AI are becoming increasingly complex. In many cases, it’s hard to tell between reality and science fiction.

Whether it is the self-driving automotive genius of Tesla or the frighteningly accurate and knowledgeable AI brought to you by Google, the minds of the robots that help us in day to day life are in many ways superior to ours. Luckily, they’ve only really been trained to clean our floors and make music, at least for now…

Smart Home Devices

While the typical idea of a robot is something with limbs or another form of movement, robots don’t necessarily have to have moving parts. Google, Amazon, and Apple’s smart home devices are essentially robots themselves, just stuck inside a metal cylinder.

They can listen to us, take our commands, answer our questions, tell us the weather, write our shopping lists, tell jokes and play the music we like. The great thing about smart home devices is that their connection capabilities allow you to download additional commands and functions, which means there’s no end to their power.

Self-Driving Cars

Depending on where you live, you’ve likely already seen a self-driving car or two. This is especially so in technologically-oriented locations such as Silicon Valley, where the roads are filled with tons of them. Whether it be a luxurious Tesla or Google’s cute rendition of a self-driving car, they’re increasingly common around the world.

The great thing about this is that we’ve already reached a point where these self-driving vehicles are safer than actual drivers. Many lives have been saved and countless accidents avoided thanks to Tesla’s autopilot software. Just look up the videos on YouTube and you’ll be amazed at what you’ll see.

Looking forward, we can see a future where the entire structure of cities is changed and with it, the way we live our daily lives, which for many of us is centered around our commutes to work. Mankind will ultimately be much more efficient and safer when not having to drive ourselves. Don’t forget the fact that most of these vehicles are electric and will better accommodate ride sharing, which means there will be a huge positive impact on our environment.

Medical Microbots

You may have already heard a thing or two about the above-mentioned tech. This is a little lesser-known, but equally important. These robots are tiny enough to be swallowed or swim through your bloodstream, repairing your body and, as a result, potentially save your life.

Some potential functions, include unblocking arteries, performing microsurgeries and target-delivering drugs, as explained by the Todays Global News article on microbots, are fascinating.


These technologies will completely change the way we live our day to day life and save millions of lives and dollars in the process. We can cure disease, become more efficient at work and decrease if not completely end car accidents. The future is bright when aided by the power of technology, that’s for sure.

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