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Customer feedback is one of the most important resources businesses fail to collect and act upon. For those who have owned businesses before the internet era, it was easy to listen to feedback because you always had a direct face-to-face connection with your customers. It was easier to converse, it was simple to take on feedback and the changes you made to your business were quick to be received by your customers.

However, with the digital age and changes in the way businesses operate due to their online nature, it’s actually fairly difficult to take on feedback especially considering how uncommon it is for consumers to actually comment on a business’s services or products. Something you offer could have thousands of sales but only a handful of legitimate reviews because consumers aren’t as invested in online companies as they are local stores.

Collecting and utilizing customer feedback is incredibly important, so in this article, we’re going to talk about how you can efficiently collect customer feedback.

Utilising Surveys

Surveys are one of the most effective and simple ways to collect customer feedback and utilize it in your company. This is because surveys are simple to read, the questions are straightforward and there are usually multiple-choice answers. Customers often dislike taking surveys because they’re convoluted, complicated and demand detailed answers.

Thanks to companies like it’s actually fairly easy to utilize surveys. All of your customer feedback will be hosted on a single dashboard and it’s simple to create and share them wih the world. They’re quick and easy to make and everything just works the way it should, streamlining the process of collecting customer feedback so that you can act on it in the future.

Networking on Social Media

Social media can tell a lot about how your product is doing. By simply searching your terms or company on social media, you might end up with many results that can tell you exactly how well your business is doing, or at least get a rough idea of how popular your products and services are among the general public. Take a look at this post from to learn more about the best social media platforms to focus on if you want to collect feedback from your customers.

One effective way of using social media for customer feedback is to actively encourage engagement. For example, don’t be afraid to hire a social media manager or a community manager that answers questions and engages figureheads and influencers regarding their issues with your products and services. It might sound difficult or time-consuming, but you’d be surprised at just how effective social media can be when learning more about your business’s reputation.

Provide Live Chat Support

Live support chat is an investment that can go horribly wrong if you outsource it. No one likes to talk to someone that isn’t affiliated with the company, which is why we’d absolutely recommend keeping your customer support in-house instead of relying on a third-party business. Take a look at this article from to learn more about live chat systems that are common in the business world. Setting these up should be relatively easy and there are plenty of guides available to help you install them. Alternatively, you could hire someone temporarily to help you install it if you don’t have tech-savvy staff members to assist you.

You’ll need to hire a couple of extra people to man the live support chat especially if you’re quite popular. However, if you’re still a startup then asking one of your current employees to do it instead is perfectly acceptable. Most live support chats will involve questions and concerns, but you might even get some people that are curious about upcoming features for your products or services and they’ll ask all kinds of things. A nice thing about live support chatting is that you can also receive feedback on your support itself. This is a great way to monitor just how well your employees are doing at their jobs and your customers could even leave feedback about how the live chat system itself works and what you can do to improve it.

Hosting a Community Forum

Customers love to feel a sense of community whenever they invest their time and money into a business and creating a community forum is often one of the best ways to do this for a low price. You’ll always get dedicated customers offering to become community managers in order to help you manage your forums, and you can find plenty of useful feedback and discussions that will connect you with your audience.

Community forums are a fantastic way to engage with your customers and you’d be surprised at just how effective a simple dedicated forum can be to improve your reputation. Take a look at this article from to find a couple of tips on how to build a popular forum community that will become a hub of useful data and opinions.

Final Words

So to conclude, the art of collecting customer data heavily depends on your ability to utilize the latest trends and network with people. Yes, it might require you to actually hire someone whose sole purpose is to help your business network on these social media platforms, but it’s how businesses work nowadays and it’s the best way to collect customer feedback. Actually acting on what your customers think is a completely different story and you need to make your own judgement on whether a suggestion is baseless and wishful thinking, or if it’s actually a legitimate change that can benefit your business.

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