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The job market is always evolving, particularly in the current ‘Digital Age’. The modern workplace has seen a shift in how we learn, develop and implement new ways of working. In turn, these changes have influenced the marketable skills required by today’s job seekers and career-ladder climbers.

In the competitive job market of the current workforce, it is increasingly important to update and fine tune your skills. From a migration agent in Melbourne CBD, to a recently graduated lawyer, it is imperative to regularly review your skills in accordance with industry changes. While these skills will differ depending on your chosen field, read on to find the most valuable skills for every Australian worker to master. Leaving you hired, sought-after and thriving in your career.

Tech Literacy

Technology is defining the future of the workplace. Therefore, one of the most important characteristics of the modern worker, is the ability to adapt to new technologies. The ability to leverage cloud-based technology platforms and software in particular, has heralded a new era in the Australian workplace.

Constant advancements in technology and software means that skills that aren’t constantly maintained become out of date. Employers, therefore, need workers who can adapt to these changes quickly and competently perform duties often beyond their job description. A tech savvy employee can utilize these advancements to perform your role faster, more accurately and cost effectively. In order to stay relevant in the modern workforce.

Soft Skills

Soft skills are widely recognized by employers as one of the most important professional skills to master. In fact, in a 2016 LinkedIn survey, soft skills topped the list of what employers looked for most often among prospective hires.

Soft skills are defined as skills which facilitate interaction and include:

  • * communication

  • * organization

  • * teamwork

  • * punctuality

  • * critical thinking

  • * attention to detail

  • * problem-solving

Mastering your soft skills therefore, is all about being able to work effectively and cooperatively with a whole range of different people and personalities. Organisations recognize that soft skills drive performance, making them the key skills to master before interviewing for your dream job.

Statistical and Data Analysis

It's impossible to ignore the profound influence technology continues to have on the business landscape, particularly in the ways we gather and produce information. One of the greatest benefits of the internet is the rapid proliferation of data, leaving companies better informed and up-to-date on key statistical data.

However, for this information to have any real value, it must be interpreted and analysed correctly. This is why data analysis skills are becoming increasingly important among employers today. Australian workers must therefore be able to understand, organize, summarize and leverage data for the benefit of their employer. Machine learning and data analytics are going to continue to grow and change the face of the modern workforce, so it’s time to start brushing up on those data skills!

SEO Marketing and Web Development

With the future of the workplace being largely online, by adding SEO marketing and web development to your skillset, you show your potential employers that you can remain relevant within the changing workforce.

In the competitive and web-driven business world that we live in, SEO strategies and an understanding of computer coding is more important than ever. Finding ways to boost traffic towards your website is governed by SEO, a set of rules utilized by search engines to rank their search results. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript may be computer languages, but in the future workforce they are likely to become the second language of every corporate participant.~

Possessing a finely tuned skill set can lead to higher-paying positions and rapid career growth within your chosen industry. Taking the time to update your skillset in accordance with changes to your industry, is key to remaining productive and in-demand.

Bio: Laura Costello is a recent graduate of a Bachelor of Law/International Relations at Latrobe University. She is passionate about the law, the power of social media, and the ability to translate her knowledge of both common and complex topics to readers across a variety of mediums, in a way that is easy to understand.

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