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Everyone has had the same battle play out before them: opening the fridge door and not being able to find the one thing they were looking for. It can be frustrating, especially when you are just trying to grab that item and go back to what you were doing. If only there were a way to combat that.

As it turns out, there is a way to combat that. By keeping an organised fridge, you never have to wonder where things are again. But before you go about taking on the task, make sure that you go into it with as much knowledge as possible. These tips will help ensure that your fridge is as organised as possible.

Keep Fruits and Veggies Separate

When you look at your SMEG fridge Australia purchase, you may not know where to start. Just like organising a kitchen, the best way to begin is to pick a spot and go. The best place to start is by knowing that you should be keeping fruits and vegetables separate from one another. But since they’re both perishable, why separate them?

Fruits and vegetables have different humidity requirements to keep them fresh. Choose separate containers – most modern fridges have different crisper drawers where humidity and temperature can be regulated. This will ensure that you not only find what you need, but that food stays fresher for longer as well.

Use the Door for Condiments and Less Long-Life Items

The main part of the fridge gets all the attention and for good reason. Which is why, when organising a fridge, you keep the most perishable items right in front of you. That means putting condiments and other less perishable items like butter, spreads, olives, and pickled vegetables in the door of the fridge.

There is a ton of storage space in your average fridge door. Put those items in the door where they can safely go ignored for a while. Don’t keep milk or freshly squeezed juice there if you can because it could lead to you forgetting about it more often than not, which always leads to things going spoiled before they are consumed.

Raw Meat and Dairy on the Bottom

There is a rhyme and reason when it comes to fridge storage.Though it may seem fine to put anything anywhere in the fridge, it can lead to more problems than you know. For instance, dairy, raw meats, and other kinds of perishables should go as low in the fridge as they can go.

It is commonly known that heat rises, and the same concept applies in a fridge. The lower you go, the cooler it will be. For perishables like meat, where even a few degrees can be a difference-maker, keeping them on the bottom shelf means keeping them in the coldest part of the fridge. It will make a difference when it comes to preserving those perishables for as long as possible, reducing waste in the process.

Remove Packaging Where Possible

While it might be nice to get everything home from the grocery store and just throw it into the fridge, that is one of the fastest ways to run out of space and into clutter. Which is why, where possible, you should remove items from packaging and use labels.

Removing the packaging means being able to store something in a bin where it can be more confined and organised. Labels will give you a better idea of when the item was purchased, how long it will stay fresh, and take the questions out of your food storage situation.

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