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Bequests for Children’s Medical Research

Medical research is essential in developing greater understanding of health matters, and how to prevent and treat them. Devoted medical research makes advancements in medical knowledge possible.

This work can be extremely expensive, requiring teams of highly qualified staff and advanced equipment to find the medical breakthroughs of tomorrow.

Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (MCRI) is a not-for-profit organisation which celebrated 30 years of innovation in 2016, and remains a thriving hub of scientific discovery - investigating an array of conditions which affect infants, children and adolescents, and issues that relate to their causes, diagnoses and treatments.

The MRCI focus upon children's health issues specifically because children experience illness differently to adults, and their treatments and needs are not the same as adults.

There are three main research approaches that MCRI utilise to gain a full understanding of the causes, prevention and implications of childhood health issues.

Laboratory research is vital for identifying understanding the causes of illness and working towards their prevention and/or cure.

Clinical research is typically conducted in collaboration with medical professionals such as doctors and nurses to assist with, and potentially influence, diagnosis and treatment of children’s health.

Community research uses a range of community studies to gain a better understanding of the social impact of children’s health.

Children’s medical issues can have a number of social implications for families and communities, and the holistic approach utilised by Murdoch Children’s Research Institute attempts to shed light on what these issues are and how to address them.

Large numbers of staff are required to fulfil these research commitments, and MCRI employ more than 1900 specialist researchers. This investment of human capital is a large financial commitment which is assisted greatly by private donations.

MCRI commends the generosity of all donations, but appreciate that not all people who would like to donate are in a position to do so financially.

There is a way, however, to donate a gift which will help to ensure that Murdoch Children’s Research Institute can continue to operate, innovate and improve the lives and wellbeing of children and young people for many years to come.

By leaving a bequest of property or money in your estate to MCRI, you are giving the priceless gifts of health - and life - to future generations.

There are several different ways to make bequests, such as residuary gifts (a share of your estate after debts, bills and taxes have been covered), pecuniary gifts (allocated amounts of money given to the beneficiary of your choice), special gifts (donation of property and other items of value).

Adding a bequest to your will to Murdoch Children’s Research Institute can help innumerable lives, and is one of the simplest ways of contributing to the vital research in children’s health they do on a daily basis.

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