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A lot of business owners face the same dilemma when it comes to general maintenance. Some may prefer to have someone on staff that is in charge of cleaning, whereas others might be questioning the utility of having someone 24/7 when they only have limited needs. This is why you need to ask yourself questions and consider which option would be the best for the wellbeing of your employees, your brand image, and your bottom line. So, should you go in-house for your cleaning or go for an outside solution? Here are some questions to ask to help you reach a conclusion.

Are You on a Tight Budget?

The first benefit of working with an outsourced service is that you will be able to save in many ways. You will pay a fixed fee instead of paying per hour, and you'll know that they will be working every minute they spend on the premises.

Another thing a lot of people don't factor in when they have people in-house is the cost of equipment and supplies. Commercial cleaning supplies are much more expensive than anything you'll find over the counter, and they can easily add up over time. Services usually buy their supplies in much larger quantities, which allows them to save and pass these savings down to you.

How Many Services Do You Need?

Different businesses will have very different needs when it comes to cleaning. It would be a waste of money to have someone in-house do the general cleaning and someone else to do special tasks like window cleaning, for instance. Offices don't usually need as much maintenance either, so most will be able to get by with only one clean up per day (sometimes less) if they can get their staff to contribute a bit.

One example of a great office cleaning company that can do virtually everything is Nexus Kleen. They're one of the top-rated services in the country and can handle pretty much any job you throw their way. They can do windows and come with tailored cleaning solutions just for you. They're also known for their affordable prices.

Do You Really Want to Manage Another Employee?

Adding an employee to your structure comes with many issues. For one, you'll have to offer them a benefits package and spend more time supervising them. There's also the fact that you never know when they're going to quit or not come in for the day.

You won't have to worry about that with a cleaning service; they handle everything from payroll to insurance. The worst thing when hiring cleaning employees is that they do not contribute to your profits whatsoever. As a matter of fact, they can become a liability. If you want to have fewer responsibilities and lighten your structure, it's usually a better choice to leave it to professionals.

There are some cases when hiring someone in-house does make sense, and if you think it would still be the best decision, go for it. However, most offices would benefit more from having a dedicated team.

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