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Suffering from a personal injury at work or in a public space that is supposed to be safe can be devastating. A personal injury can interrupt your lifestyle and will change the way you need to work, regardless of how severe it is.

While there is a risk of injury anywhere you go, one place that you should be kept safe is within the workplace. However, as we know, injuries can be very common when you are working, and when something goes wrong here, you will need all the support you can get. So if you need to hire personal injury lawyers in Melbourne, here is what you need to know.

What Do Personal Injury Lawyers Do?

Personal injuries, especially those that happen when you are working, can be debilitating, which is why you need someone qualified to fight your corner for you. One place where you should be kept safe is in the workplace, but if rules and regulations are not followed, it can result in any kind of accident.

The best personal injury lawyers in Melbourne are Maxiom Injury Lawyers, they have years of experience in all areas of injury law, including personal injury within the workplace. When you suffer from a personal injury caused through no fault of your own, you may be entitled to some kind of compensation. Of course, if this injury happens within the workplace, there will be more issues that will need to be resolved, which is why you should contact one of these injury lawyers if you're based in Melbourne. These injury lawyers can fight your case and help you get the compensation you deserve.

What Am I Entitled To?

If you have suffered an injury at work, Maxiom Injury Lawyers Melbourne will take care of you and offer you support in every step of the way, because you are not responsible when an injury happens while you are at work. These professionals will ensure that those responsible can offer the support you need.

The problem with personal injuries is that they can cause a lot of inconveniences. Your whole life can change, and that includes the income you bring home to support yourself and your family. When an injury has happened through no fault of your own, it can feel unfair to be forced to deal with these problems alone. This is where injury lawyers come in, as they guarantee that you do not have to face anything on your own. They will help you and make sure you receive the monetary support you deserve from your workplace.

If you have suffered a personal injury through your workplace, you may be entitled to:

  • Medical and associated expenses
  • Weekly payments
  • An impairment benefit
  • A lump sum for your pain, suffering, and loss of income

Maxiom personal injury lawyers Melbourne are available 24/7 to help with your case. They have helped thousands of people in Melbourne receive the compensation they deserve after suffering an injury at work, and you can be one of them.

How Can I Claim For Personal Injury At Work?

While Maxiom injury lawyers will cover a lot of ground for you, there are some things you will have to do independently so they can take your personal injury claim.

If you have suffered an injury within the workplace in Melbourne, then you will need to report the injury to your employer first, so they can be aware of the issues within their business.

To report this issue to your employer, you will be required to fill out a Workers Injury Form. This is something that needs to be done within 30 days, so it is better if you do it right away, or injury lawyers may not be able to process your claim.

This Workers Injury Form will be handed to your employer, who must then forward it to their insurer. Note that it can take up to 28 days for your claim to be processed by the insurer, during which time support can be found from your personal injury lawyer.

If you are looking to file a common law file for your pain, suffering, and loss of earnings, this must be lodged within six years of the date of your injury to receive compensation.

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