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Humanity has always needed entertainment. With the advent of the digital age, computer games and new online casinos have gained particular popularity. Such entertainments provide an opportunity to have fun and even make a profit. Many people think that such games are a new direction in the digital world, which had no analogs before.

Game development as a business idea

If we consider game development as a business, then attention should be paid to the publishing component. The division of activities into the work of a developer and a publisher is due to the total difference in business processes, although the task is common. The developer does not have to be a commercial organization, but the publisher is the taxpayer who takes over all the organizational work. The following people should be involved in the development of a quality game

  • A person who writes code creates an engine and other technical tasks.

  • Game designer. This person finds the perfect balance of all aspects of the game.

  • Creates the appearance of characters and elements of the future game.

  • Deals with the development of the movement of characters or objects.

  • Selects the most suitable soundtrack for all stages of the project.

  • Writes an interactive script according to the project plan.

  • The person who checks the quality of the game.

The number of employees depends on the original idea. To do this, you need to study the market to find unoccupied niches, popular genres. In this area, you will have to compete with major world-class developers. Simple games take 2-3 months to build, but complex projects can take several years. This business is characterized by the fact that if in the first few months the project did not pay off, then it is unlikely that it will pay off at least someday. The leader in sales in the gaming industry was able to recoup the funds spent on its development in the first 24 hours after its release.

Fundamentals of game design

There are two fundamentally different approaches to creating games. On the one hand, there is the path of large companies with a large team of specialists working on projects. On the other hand, there is the path of "indie teams", where each member can fulfill many roles. In large companies, specialists have a stable salary and benefits. In "indie development", there may not be money at all, but if the project will be successful, you can get a share in a successful company and, as a result, get a large income - millions of dollars a month. The following are the main components of a successful project:

1. The difference between your game and dozens of similar ones. Key point - what makes your game unique?

2. How user-friendly your game is, what the peculiarity of gameplay control is.

3. Even in the simplest game, the plot plays an important role.

4. It is important to consider what impression your project has on the players. The first impression is the most important; users appreciate the sound, graphics, and overall appearance.

Every year, from 3,000 to 5,000 games are created in the world, of which only a few hundred become commercially successful. The main thing when developing a game is to first plan the entire process and then proceed to a phased implementation. Besides, before starting your own studio, it is better to get experience in a large gaming company.

Game project marketing

Don't be too optimistic and hope for instant fame and success when the game is released. To get a worthwhile product, you will have to try it, and not only at the development stage, and at the promotion stage. If you are not yet using social media to spread the word about your product, then this is the time to do it. Be sure to look out for those who are supportive and discussing your product. If you organize the reward system correctly, then these people will become part of the promotion of your product.

Advertising is one of the best and easiest ways for aspiring developers to increase the profitability of their projects. Now the mobile games market has a great need for traffic, so advertising brings a good profit. In PC games and on consoles, such a tool for earning money as selling content is actively used. It has not yet found application in mobile games - those developers who can fill this gap will receive good additional income. When it comes to gambling, finding the target audience is much easier than in other cases. People want to have fun playing quality games and are willing to pay for it. We hope that this information will help you create a real masterpiece in the world of gambling!

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