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To say that search engine optimization has changed the landscape of digital marketing would probably be an understatement. Today, SEO is dictating most of the moments in marketing, and there are numbers to prove it. According to BrightEdge, 68% of online experiences start with a search engine and 53.3% of all website traffic comes from organic search. Sparktoro also says that 92.96% of global traffic comes from Google Search, Google Images, and Google Maps.

If you haven’t embraced SEO yet, the first step to doing it is by choosing SEO services with guaranteed results. Here, we answer some of your common questions about SEO services and how to find the right fit for your business.

How Will an SEO Company Help Your Business

While it’s common knowledge that SEO can improve your website’s visibility and searchability, working with an SEO company with guaranteed SEO results actually does more to your brand than what you might think.

It allows you to build credibility based on trust.

These days, it’s not enough to just offer good service to your customers. If you really want to thrive, you need to build solid credibility online and you can achieve that with the help of SEO. Most consumers gauge a business’ credibility from its rankings on search engines like Google, so being up there means that you are establishing your authority not only online but also in your industry.

It helps you increase your website traffic.

Organic search remains to be one of the most crucial elements of a successful sales funnel. If more people visit your website, you already have that 50% guarantee that a visitor will turn into a sale. This is because you have a better opportunity to present your products, offer valuable information and convince your visitor to buy what you’re selling. Organic search allows you to drive more people to your website and you can only achieve that if you know exactly the rules of search engines like Google.

It benefits your buying cycle.

Aside from increasing organic traffic, hiring SEO services with guaranteed results means that you can position yourself to be able to offer the right information to customers who are doing their research online. If done right, SEO strategies can help you be at the right place when a customer searches for details about the product that he wants to buy and that can have a huge impact on your buying cycle.

It won’t waste your money.

A lot of businesses get intimidated by the cost of working with an SEO company. But in the grand scheme of things, SEO is actually a very cost-efficient marketing strategy because the payoffs will last for the years to come and if done right, your returns will be higher than what you initially invested for guaranteed SEO ranking. SEO is also a long-term strategy that will grow with the trends and the changes in your business.

How to Know Whether an SEO Agency Can Provide Guaranteed Results

So, your next question might be, “how will I know whether an SEO agency can offer guaranteed results?” The answer is simple: find one with the best qualities.

Qualities of a Good SEO Agency

Good reputation

A lot of SEO companies promise to offer SEO services with guaranteed results, but only a handful of them will deliver. No matter how experienced an SEO agency is, a good reputation is still one of the best ways to determine whether it is a good fit or not. If an agency has a lot of successful clients and it’s highly recommended in the industry, it’s a good sign that you’re hiring the right company.


SEO is so complex and highly evolving that only the most experienced SEO experts can really guarantee you consistency throughout your campaign. Experience counts a lot in making sure that you get good results from your investment and an SEO agency should be able to show you a history of successful campaigns to really prove its credentials.

Good work ethics

With such intense competition in SEO, it’s not uncommon for some SEO firms to employ “black hat” strategies to allow their clients to rank faster in search engines. These include using keyword stuffing, spamming, using doorway pages and implementing invisible text. Although these strategies offer a quick fix to your ranking problems, they can also result in some very serious consequences, especially since major search engines prohibit them. With Ardor SEO – results guaranteed, for instance, you know that only “white hat” strategies are used in your campaign because they guarantee long-term results that don’t put you at risk for being blocked by search engines.


SEO is not easy, which is why you need the help of experts to implement it properly. A lot of SEO firms claim that they can make things happen for you with just a few people in their team. But in reality, a successful SEO campaign is the product of several SEO experts working long hours to make sure that everything is in place. If you want to find the best SEO service for your budget, try to compare rates among reputable SEO companies and see what you’re getting for your money.

Updated techniques

SEO evolves and grows every day, so SEO experts have to constantly update themselves on the latest in this field to keep up with the needs of their clients. You can’t work with an SEO firm that uses strategies from last year because chances are, you’ll already fall behind, which is such a waste of time and money.

Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring an SEO Agency

Now that you know the most important qualities of a good SEO agency, how can you avoid the most common pitfalls when hiring one?

Choosing cheap over quality

You’re trying to save money but you also need SEO for your business. So the first thing you look for when hiring an SEO agency is its price and of course, in order to cut costs, you go with the cheapest firm. But if you think about it, SEO is really an investment, so if getting good-quality SEO services means that you have to pay a bit more, go for it.

Jumping in unknown waters

Like most things in business, jumping on an offer that you know little about is an absolute waste of money. With such a high demand for good quality SEO services, it’s not surprising that many SEO agencies claim to be the best at what they do. But the only way to prove those promises is to actually do your research and check the credentials of an SEO company. If the firm has a lot of satisfied clients and it has worked on many projects over the years, then you have proof that it can live up to its promise.

Going into a deal empty-handed

Although you only have the most basic knowledge about SEO, you should never talk to potential SEO agencies without a clear plan in mind. If you don’t know what you are trying to achieve for your business, it would be hard to find an SEO agency that will fit your needs perfectly. Think about your goals and determine your priorities so you know exactly what SEO services you will need.

Forgetting about experience

It’s not uncommon to find a new SEO agency that already does well in the industry. But if you are going to get the best results for your campaign, you really need to work with a firm that has a lot of hands-on experience in SEO. Aside from checking on a firm’s record, you should also ask about how its SEO experts keep themselves up-to-date with the latest in SEO to make sure that they will employ fresh strategies that really deliver results.

Choosing the generic package

Although SEO agencies offer different packages for their services, you should know that there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to SEO campaigns. Rather, each campaign is designed according to what you have and what you want to achieve. So if you want to succeed in SEO, you need to work with a firm that can create a customized package for your business needs.

Final Thoughts

Search engine optimization will continue to gain more relevance over the next few years. In fact, it is fast becoming a must-have for every business that wants to build its credibility online and ensure SEO placement guarantee.

Choosing the right SEO agency that can guarantee results is not easy. You’d have to do a lot of research, hard work and, even experience some trial and error before you can find the right fit for your business. But all of that will be worth it when you finally get the best SEO services with guaranteed results.

If you want to learn more tips and tricks that you can use for your business, check out Business Daily today!

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