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Marketing Today

It’s the holiday season– a month full of laughter, celebrations, and promotions!

The holiday season is the best time for businesses to boost brand reputation, give out promotions, and attract new customers. People are more experimental during the holidays, and it is the season most people might think of using services that they felt they do not need before.

Homeowners anticipating guests for the holidays will hire house cleaning services. Meanwhile, hospitality businesses look for commercial laundry services that can help them with their laundry due to the high volume of guests.

Although you will not celebrate all of the upcoming holidays, your customers will. Thus, it is best to grab the opportunities to market your service business during the holidays.

Set Sales Goals and Create Holiday-Focused Marketing Campaigns

You cannot create a holiday-focused marketing campaign for your service business if you do have no goals. Discuss with your team first. Brainstorm what you expect for your business at the end of the year. Define your goals, how to achieve them, and how holiday-focused marketing campaigns can help reach your goals.

Keep your marketing campaigns focused on the holidays. Let the audience know that you offer what they need for the holidays.

Prepare Business Calendar

There are several big holidays throughout the end of October towards January– Halloween, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Chanukah, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve. Mark the dates on your business calendar.

With the festivities around the corner, every business is creating its best show possible. How prepared are you? You need time to prepare seasonal content for each holiday, post it online, and promote it for people to see it.

Create your business calendar in advance, and you have to discuss it with your team. Remember, your team will take time off, so as you, for the holidays—plan to market your service business well throughout the busy holiday.

Train Employees for the Season

You and your employees should expect that the holiday season will be busier than usual. Since you offer services, you expect that both homeowners and business owners need you.

There’s a greater chance that homeowners will hire a maid service to prepare and tidy their homes for their guests. Moreover, many hospitality businesses, restaurants, and hotels will outsource their laundry to commercial laundry service. They need a hand with their dirty linens due to a high number of guests during the holidays.

Invest time to train your employees– the better they are trained, the best experience your customer will receive. It is best to prevent getting stressed with the holiday rush.

Package Service Together

Create a holiday package for your services. Make this package service a gift to your customers. As simple as this, your customers will feel the spirit of giving.

Giving out package service promotions will not only be convenient for your clients, but they can also save money. Think about the things your customers want to get done over the holiday– house cleaning? Laundry?

If you offer maid service and laundry, then it is best to provide those services simultaneously. Create a service package that is cheaper than booking the services separately.

Give Holiday Promotions on Social Media, Offer Discounts

Holidays are not the time to take a social media hiatus. Social media traffic during the holidays is larger than the usual days. That’s why it is best to run holiday promotions on social media. You have to be active on all your social media platforms.

You can offer giveaways and draw the prize before the holidays. The prize can be something unrelated or completely related to your service. Let’s say you want to give out one of your FREE services– your clients will indeed like this idea!

Besides holiday giveaway promotions on social media, you can prepare gift cards and discounts for your services. Offer gift cards that are valid to use for a specific service or give out discounts. Also, make sure to give instructions on how to use an eftpos gift card for your promotions.

Holiday promotions and discounts will help you double up your sales. It will help you gain more customers!

Look for a Local Charity

The holiday season is not only about get-togethers. It is the season of giving back to your community. Partner with a local charity, and both you and the organization will benefit from it. Most businesses use the one for you, one for the charity program.

For every service your client book during the holiday period, you will donate a percentage from their fee to your partnered charity.

Extend Business Hours

People are busy preparing for Christmas and New Year’s Eve. As your clients are likely to be very busy during the holiday period, they may not be able to book a service appointment from you during your usual business hours.

Thus, it is best to extend your operating hours during the holiday period to offer more flexibility to your clients and ensure that they will not miss out on booking a service appointment.

Decorate Storefront

Make your business feel like the holidays. Add banners and decors to your storefront, website, and social media pages. Get festive with your designs. Let your customers feel that they are making the most of a time-limited, holiday-focused opportunity.

Final Thoughts

You are having doubts if you can put your service business a little holiday spin? Let out a few creative marketing campaigns– and you will be surprised by the results. Plan and make your promotions holiday-centered to get your customers’ attention.

Do a little tweak on how you offer your services, show a little spirit of generosity, and extend your booking hours. They will surely book a service appointment before Christmas and New Year’s Eve. You do not need to offer massive giveaways and discounts that might hurt your revenue– maximize your sales through these little ways!

Lastly, as you approach the end of the year, look at your goals– did you make it? Review your goals, set new ones, update your content. Remember, the holiday season is the perfect time to change your business direction.

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