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Health Today

You likely know that it’s beneficial for you and your employees to be drinking water throughout the day rather than drinking fancy coffees, fizzy soda, and energy drinks. The issue is that not all offices supply free water to their employees unless you count tap water, which is invariably safe to drink and can also be boiled up to make healthy tea and whatnot. 

However, skimping on this kind of a provision could actually be a big mistake on your part as a business owner. If you’re in New South Wales, for instance, then investing in bottled spring water solutions to businesses in Sydney might actually be a smart move for a number of reasons: 

Reason 1: It’s Affordable

Buying a water dispenser or bottle service arrangement is a relatively small investment up front, perhaps a few hundred dollars at most for a water dispenser, and then a monthly subscription fee to have water regularly delivered. As an investment goes into your employees’ welfare, it’s fairly small and extremely low risk. Water is something everyone needs, and that no one is allergic to. It’s essentially impossible not to please for a minimum investment, which means any and all risk is extremely low. 

Reason 2: Helps Staff Stay Productive

Water helps office workers to concentrate and stay focused on their tasks. Better yet, it does that consistently and steadily through the day, with the only interruptions coming when the person has to go to the bathroom. 

Some people tend to think that purchasing sugary coffees, or energy drinks, or high-caffeine soda drinks is the key to extra productivity, but they’re wrong. The problem with all of these items is that while they may offer an initial burst of energy, they are invariably followed by a fairly extreme crash, which has the opposite of the desired effect on one’s productivity. 

Reason 3: Cuts Down on Headaches and Similar Health Problems

Keeping hydrated is an excellent way to ensure that the body isn’t plagued by headaches and other health problems. Water is the stuff of life, after all. If you’ve ever had an unexplained headache that you just couldn’t think where it might have come from, a lack of water intake is a good explanation. Over-consumption of diuretic beverages can leave your body wanting for moisture, but that won’t happen if your team keeps water as their default, go-to drink in the office. 

Reason 4: Promotes Better Health at Work

Office workers are a high-risk health category because of the sedentary lifestyle they tend to lead. They get up in the morning, sit in a car or on public transportation to come to work, sit at their desk all day, then sit on the same transport seat home before spending the evening sitting and eating dinner, and then sitting and watching TV or doing something else. See the pattern? 

Combine this with elevated sugar intake through morning frappuccinos, candy hidden in desk drawers, fizzy drinks at break times, fast food at lunchtime, and the result is a growing health issue. Providing water is part of an action promoting better health among your employees. You should also remind them to take breaks from their screens, get up and walk around, consider alternative modes of transportation like cycling, and so on. 

Reason 5: Helps Your Team Live and Work Greener

Providing water at work, and perhaps some company-branded reusable mugs or water flasks as well, means you are taking steps to rid your office of unsustainable practices like overconsumption of single-use plastic bottles and plastic-dipped paper cups. As a broader part of your overall branding, this green attitude has real value.

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