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If you’ve spent any time recently reflecting on your career, be it a new career out of college, or a career change, then clinical psychology and therapy might be one area you’ve considered among others. If you were to look for clinical psychology training in Brisbane, for instance, what would help you understand the benefits of such a course or overall career direction? How does one know if becoming a therapist or clinical psychologist is a good move?

Here are some of the top reasons people make the move into this field. If any of them match your own situation, then why not think about it?

1. It’s a Chance to Make a Real Difference in People’s Lives

Psychologists and therapists are practitioners that people often turn to only when they reach a certain low point in their life or in their wider journey to recover from something. Your input and techniques might well be the key turning point that makes a life-changing difference for someone. Therapy is also something that people of all ages seek, so if you have a particular passion for making a difference in children’s lives, for instance, then you can do that.

Someone suffering from the effects of a severe childhood trauma can go through decades of life with those unresolved issues hanging over them, impacting every part of their lives. Being a therapist is a chance to be a part of finally turning that around. If you are in need of support speak to a mental health professional today.

2. You Gain a Unique Understanding of Human Behaviour

Another big advantage of becoming a therapist is how much insight you gain into human behaviour, and the fact that you’ll likely start to see it more and more in the world around you. This can form a nice foundation for research projects (more below on research), or just provide you with a lifelong fascination and a chance to observe your knowledge manifesting in real life. Therapy and psychology are fields that deal with real life and real people, and the more you get to understand these people, the more you fall in love with the profession.

3. There’s Huge Scope for Job Opportunities

As we touched on above, therapy and psychology includes fields that cover treatment, diagnosis, counselling and more for people of all ages and backgrounds. People with skills and knowledge in the realm of therapy and psychology are highly sought after by all kinds of sectors, and not just the world of medical care.

You might find a niche within an educational establishment as a child psychologist helping kids with behavioural issues. On the other hand, your unique insight into the mind might be called upon by a corporate entity who wishes to keep track of the mental health of its employees because the nature of their work is uniquely stressful…the possibilities go on and on.

4. You Can Branch Out into Research

For those who want to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the field, therapy and psychology form many branches of interesting and ongoing research. You can pursue a Ph.D. or delve into very specific areas of expertise that are relevant to your community or your personal passions, thus becoming a real local and even national authority in that area.

5. You Want a Job Where You Feel You’re Giving Something Back

Finally, many people simply want a career in which they feel that they are making a positive contribution and impact on society. Helping individuals is one thing, and that is rewarding in itself, but the greater and wider feeling that comes with being part of a broader solution for problems in society is an even bigger pursuit and potential reward. And that reward can come from being a psychologist and therapist.

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