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Most people know the early warning signs of heart disease, like chest pain and shortness of breath, but many don't know the early warning signs of bowel cancer. However, when detected early, bowel cancer can often be treated with a high chance of recovery.

This is why it's so important to book yourself in for professional bowel cancer screenings on an annual basis from around the age of 45 onwards. It's also crucial that you're aware of the potential warning signs of developing bowel cancer, so that you can get yourself checked as/when necessary. So with that in mind, here are six symptoms you should be aware of:

1. Bleeding

This could be bright red rectal bleeding or dark, tarry stools, which could indicate the presence of blood. If you experience any kind of rectal bleeding, it's important that you get yourself checked out by a professional as soon as possible. A doctor will usually carry out a digital rectal exam in order to check for blood in the stool and/or any abnormal growths in the colon or rectum. A faecal occult blood test may also be carried out in order to look for hidden (occult) blood in the stool. If either of these tests comes back positive, then further testing will be required in order to confirm a diagnosis.

2. Stomach pain

Persistent abdominal pain, discomfort, or bloating could be a sign of bowel cancer. This is often caused by a tumour blocking the bowel, which can lead to pain and/or cramping in the abdomen. If you experience any kind of abdominal pain that doesn't go away after a couple of days, it's important to see your doctor so that they can rule out any other potential causes (e.g. constipation, IBS, etc.).

3. Change in bowel habits

This could be anything from constipation and diarrhea, to a change in stool consistency, or a narrowing of the stool. If you experience any kind of change in your bowel habits that lasts for more than a few days, it's important to get checked out by a doctor. They will usually carry out a colonoscopy in order to check for any abnormal growths or polyps in the colon.

4. Tenesmus

Tenesmus is when you feel like you still have to “go” after you’ve already had a bowel movement, or feeling like it was incomplete.

5. Unexplained/unintentional weight loss

If you experience any kind of unexplained or unintentional weight loss, it's important to see your doctor so that they can rule out any other potential causes (e.g. thyroid problems, stress, etc.). Weight loss is often caused by a tumour in the colon or rectum that's bleeding and/or affecting your appetite.

6. Fatigue/weakness

This could mean you have anaemia from an iron deficiency, which may be caused by blood loss from a tumour in the colon or rectum. If you experience ongoing fatigue or weakness for an extended period of time, it's important to see your doctor so that they can carry out some tests (e.g. a complete blood count) and rule out any other potential causes.

Professional bowel cancer screenings are quick, affordable and easily accessible in Australia

If you're 45 years of age or older, make sure you book yourself in for an annual screening, and if you experience any of the above symptoms, don't delay in getting yourself checked by a professional as soon as possible. Early detection is key when it comes to the effective treatment of bowel cancer. Find a professional bowel cancer screening service near you.

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