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You’re going to get a lot of advice from friends and family around you who have been pregnant before and for the most part, it’s pretty sound advice and you should take it.

Whenever you are in doubt about advice that you have been given, write it down and then ask your doctor about it on your next visit. Once you get to the second trimester, it’s likely that you have already started to experience many of the symptoms that come with being pregnant like being incredibly tired and having morning sickness that takes place throughout the whole day and doesn’t show any signs of abating. The good news for you here is that the vast majority of women say that the second trimester is one of the best parts of being pregnant because the sickness tends to go away a little bit, you will have a little bit more energy and you’re definitely going to get a better night’s sleep.

You should always make sure that you are eating in the second trimester and that you are eating the right kinds of food that will keep your body healthy and strong. There are a number of things that you should be doing during your second trimester like making sure that you are following the right diet, that you’re trying to squeeze in some exercise throughout the day and that you’re getting rest whenever you need it. The following are just some of the more important things that you should be doing.

  • Don’t miss doctor’s appointments - Even though you might be feeling better overall, this is no excuse not to keep visiting your doctor on a very regular basis. Your doctor needs to see you so that he or she can check how your baby is growing inside your tummy and to be able to check its heartbeat as well. It’s likely that your baby is going to be moving around a lot more inside your belly and so it’s important that you receive assurances that everything is going as planned especially if you have an upset stomach. It’s likely that your doctor might want to do some ultrasounds and to take some blood as well.

  • Do eat lots of good food - The general advice that you have been given your whole life applies here and so make sure that you're eating lots of fresh vegetables, fruits and try to go for the low-fat option when it comes to dairy. It’s always a great idea to eat whole grains that will provide you with the iron that you need to stay regular and make sure that you consume healthy proteins like trout, lean pieces of chicken and beef.

Even though you’re probably consuming the right kind of food and drinking lots of beverages to keep yourself hydrated, sometimes your body is missing some essential nutrients and vitamins and so it always makes sense to take prenatal vitamins to keep you and your child in great shape. Try to stay as active as you can as this will help to balance out your mood swings and reduce the amount of tiredness that you are experiencing right now.

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