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Getting veneers can give your smile a whole new lease of life, not to mention act as a major confidence boost for yourself. The condition of our teeth is one of the biggest sources of self-conscious behaviour in people. We worry about it so much that the nightmare of one’s teeth falling out is the world’s most common bad dream.

If you’ve neglected your teeth for some time or they’ve been damaged or discoloured in some other way, then veneers can restore a head-turning dazzle. However, they also require proper care and attention. If you’re going to look for dental veneers in Frankston or wherever you’re based, then prepare to take the following steps after they’re put in:

Tip 1: Maintain a Twice-Daily Brushing Schedule

Your veneers help to restore that shine to your teeth, but they are not a miracle cure for everything. Having veneers put in helps restore and protect your teeth’s natural surface, but they absolutely do not remove the need for brushing twice a day. Take a set of veneers as a kind of “second chance” opportunity to keep your teeth properly cleaned.

Each brushing session should be for 2 minutes and you should use a reputable fluoride toothpaste. Remember to pay special attention to the back teeth where it’s most common for plaque and other tooth-damaging substances to linger. Veneers don’t make it so that you can brush your teeth for less time and still get the same results.

Tip 2: Floss Once a Day

On top of your brushing schedule, you should also floss your teeth at least once a day. Flossing is the best way to remove the most stubborn bits of plaque that your toothbrush bristles simply couldn’t reach. Some people forget that cavitives can form on the sides of your teeth and in between them, and flossing is perhaps the best way to avoid this from happening.

Tip 3: Limit Sweets and Sugar Intake

Remember that veneers won’t act as a shield to prevent plaque from forming. If you don’t brush or floss properly, plaque will emerge just as it did before. If you do have a temporary issue with plaque, at least one thing you can do is limit the amount of sugary food and drink that you consume. Plaque feasts on sugar, so if you lower your intake, it will limit the growth and development of plaque, making it easier to keep your teeth and gum line clean.

Tip 4: Don’t Overtax Your Teeth

When veneers have been attached to your teeth, you really have to take care not to put your teeth through the mill too much. This means avoiding things like chewing on hard ice cubes, hard candies, popcorn kernels, and other foods that might cause a chip in your veneers. Some dentists make such a point of pointing out how durable porcelain veneers are nowadays, that people come to think they’re invincible.

Besides the hard foods we mentioned, you should also cut out any habits you once had that saw you using your teeth as a multi-tool. If you’ve ever used your teeth to remove bottle caps, open packets of food, rip sticky tape, and more, you should stop.

Tip 5: Keep Your Bi-Annual Dentist Appointment

Finally, if you want to keep your veneers in the very best condition, then you should always keep your 6-monthly checkup with your dentist. On each visit, they can make sure that the veneers are free from chips and other damage, but the dentist can also perform a regular checkup and screen you for important things like oral cancer. There are many great reasons beyond your veneers to keep your dentist appointments!

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