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Whether you are buying a home or selling your home, it's a financial and emotional investment. There are many mistakes we all make during the transactional process, but there are tiny mistakes we tend to make throughout the whole procedure. Arguably, going through the buying process is more difficult than selling your home, but then other people would argue the opposite. But there are some that are inextricably linked to both, and here are a few to bear in mind.


Something that buyers and sellers make a big mistake on is spending too much money. Either lenders approve applicants for a larger loan than they are unable to afford, or those that are selling up spend so much on their property to ensure that it's sold right away means they are making a marginal profit, if at all. The best advice in both respects is to stick to a budget, and by keeping in your original price range, this means that there will be no financial surprises down the line. The temptation to put as much money as possible into a property can be exciting, but once the bills start coming in, your mood can go south fast.

Not Relying On Professionals

We seem to think we can do it all, especially those people who have been through the house buying process. So when you plan on selling it, you could argue that you would be able to get a bit more money if you didn't go through estate agents. But the big mistake in this is that there are always little quibbles that don't enter into your mind until further on in the process. It's a far easier process to pay an expert to deal with a lot of it. The same goes when buying a house and you may think that you are bypassing few extra fees by going straight to the seller themselves, but when you are entering into this stressful deal, you are very possibly ill-equipped to handle the purchasing process. There are always brokers and estate agents on hand that can make the process less stressful. A mortgage broker like Brighter Finance can help with the complex little details, not just interest rates, but picking right mortgage to suit your needs. If you go private, you may end up biting off more than you can chew.

Limiting Your Scope

Those that are on the hunt for a property can be so desperate that they will take the first option. But, this isn't the most advisable way to buy a home. So if people are desperate to get onto the property ladder that they will buy something purely because it's cheap. Likewise, for those that are desperate to sell their home may be willing to sell up to the first person that comes by. It's a delicate balance when you are selling your home, because you need to make it financially worth your while, but you also don't want to run the risk of being too picky with the person that buys your home. In other words, you need to find the right balance between selling your home for a reasonable price, so it is worth your investment, and being so stubborn that you expect your home to sell for three times its market value.

Neglecting The Appearance

From the perspective of a buyer, a house that is a potential fixer-upper is a perilous one. If you've seen The Money Pit, then you may have some idea of what you could be getting into. We can be so desperate to get onto the property ladder that we can see a house stripped of everything apart from its foundations as an opportunity for investment and growth. But, in purchasing this property, you may find yourself faced with a mammoth task. For those selling their home, the appearance can mean the difference between a successful sale and a hard sell. There is a lot of onus on kerb appeal now, but also the importance of removing your personal stamp from your home. When people are preparing their home for a viewing, the most important thing is to make it as neutral as possible. So for those who have effervescent taste, and have a crystal chandelier hanging in the living room, it's advisable to get rid of these gaudy centerpieces. Neglecting the appearance is perilous for both sides of the equation. The one thing that benefits both sets of people is a home inspection. It can be tempting to avoid this when you are selling so the process can be rushed. But when you are buying a house, and you don't have a proper home inspection, you may find that you have various issues with the structure of the house. From the plumbing to the wiring, or even the roof! These fixes will be your responsibility!

Rushing The Process

Inevitably, when you rush any aspect of the house selling or buying process, there will be mistakes made. We are so impatient to get onto the property ladder or get off it, that the big mistakes we make at the outset can impact our financial benefits later on. This is why it's so important to view a house multiple times if you are buying and find the right person if you are selling. You want the process to be as stress-free as possible, and as most of us feel that, as soon as we are relieved of the duties in the home buying or selling process, we are free. This is a dangerous approach, because we may not be better off for it. It's always much better to take your time and to assess your options so you won't end up with many regrets.

We can hit many bumps in the road during the process, but there are things that buying and selling have in common. So, regardless of your intentions with your existing home or dream home, think long and hard about each of these aspects, and ask yourself if you are doing everything right.

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