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Sending a handwritten letter might be a thing of the past with the advancement of technology, but one Aussie company is making it easier to connect through the mail.

Write-O-Matic is the only business in Australian that helps busy people send a handwritten card to their loved ones. From picking the card, writing the message and sending it off, Write-O-Matic puts everything in the one spot.

According to Fiona Tyler and James McKindley, founders and owners of Write-O-Matic, “we have forgotten what it is like to receive a handwritten card in the mail and what better time to show you are thinking of someone than during the festive season”.

“We are so dependent on technology these days that sending a quick text message or giving someone a phone call is all we ever do,” Fiona added.

“I remember when I was growing up I had a pen pal I would sit down once a week to write them a letter about what was happening in my life. It was the most exciting thing as a child to run to the mailbox and see a letter addressed to me.

“Sending someone a handwritten letter shows that you care about them and have taken the time out to put something together that came from your heart.

“We all lead extremely busy lives and posting a letter isn’t the easiest option anymore, sadly. But when myself and James thought about the fact that this is the reason why most don’t send handwritten letters anymore, we thought there must be a way around it.

“Most of us are guilty of sitting down at the end of a busy day after the shops have closed to do some online shopping, so why can’t you do the same with picking, writing and sending a card to someone?

“People are still taking time out to put together a lovely gesture, however they have the ability now to do it at a time that suits them rather than business hours.”

Living busy lives themselves, Fiona and James loved the idea of receiving and sending cards but never had time to get to the post office during the day. By not only creating a business model that works around this obstacle for their customers, they also created the opportunity to start a business they are passionate about and work it around their own schedules.

“The number one priority when we started Write-O-Matic was to ensure that we could run the business with flexible hours,” James added.

“We were a couple of mates with a love for handwritten cards but no time to get it done and even less time to have a business that took up every hour of our day.

“That’s why we are passionate about Write-O-Matic because we have the ability to keep all of our other commitments and still run a successful business.

“Currently, Write-O-Matic is in start-up mode but we are striving to grow the business to an international level eventually so our customers are able to reach friends and family overseas.

“There are no other businesses that provide the services that we do here in Australia so we have a great opportunity to allow people to do something that is heart-felt without taking up all of their time.”


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