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Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is vital in protecting you and your customers online, and in growing your business.

SSL is how an encrypted link between a web browser and a web server is established. It's crucial for Internet security as it protects sensitive information as it is transmitted across global computer networks. Even if you don't have credit card gateways or other sensitive information on your site, it's still needed to guard the privacy and data integrity of your users' personal information along with yours.

Sensitive Information Encryption

SSL's primary job is to protect sensitive information sent across the internet so that it's only available and discernible to the designated recipient. Since the path of such information includes other computers on its way to the intended server, without SSL protection each computer on that path could see the contents whether it be credit card numbers, personal information, passwords, usernames, and more. When an SSL certificate is used, the contents are indecipherable to everyone but the recipient server, protecting it from hackers and identity thieves.


SSL certificates also provide authentication which ensures that any sensitive information sent goes only to the desired server and is not sent to an impostor server trying to steal it. Using Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and an SSL from a trusted provider secures the electronic transfer of information for sensitive transactions such as online banking, e-commerce, and highly confidential email. The PKI is basically a set of procedures necessary to originate, manage, store, and rescind digital certificates and control public-key encryption. Trusted SSL providers require companies to successfully pass a series of identity checks before issuing an SSL.

PCI Compliance

Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance means the requesting company has passed a series of inspections and meets all standards required to accept credit card information on their website. Using an SSL is also required with the end goal being to provide a high-level of consumer protection.


Sites using an SSL will appear as HTTPS as opposed to HTTP and, depending on the browser used, will also show a lock in the address bar. Consumers feel more confident in their safety in seeing this and are more likely to use the site. The lock and HTTPS also make it more difficult for phishing scammers to try to spoof secured sites.


Google, in an effort to protect Internet users, will soon require all websites to use an SSL. Websites not encrypted will soon be flagged in Google's Chrome browser as unsafe in red which will have a real impact on many business sites not currently using SSL. As an incentive, Google has been giving encrypted sites higher rankings in their search engine than their unencrypted peers.

Why It's a Great Time to Get an SSL

Thanks to increased industry competition and new providers like Let's Encrypt, the cost of SSL is less than it once was, and they are easier to implement on sites of all types. SSL is easy to install on WordPress hosted sites.

While there are some inconveniences such as cost, the SSL acquisition process, and slight performance issues because more resources are required in using an SSL, the advantages of securing one's site outweigh them. Using SSL protects you and your customers, instills trust in potential clients, and helps improve your sites' ranking in Google's search engine, all of which work to help you grow your business.

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