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You might have a website, and you might also receive more than your fair share of visitors, but is it bringing in any money? Once your fees for hosting, your time curating, and all the extra costs of running a website are factored in, you might find that your online baby isn’t such the cash cow you envisioned when you first got the site up and running. However, just because it hasn’t made you money in the past, that doesn’t mean it won’t work in the future. Below, we take a look at a few simple ways you can ensure your website delivers the goods.

Selling Premium Content

You’ve worked hard to curate the content on your website, and you’ll have given it all away for free. In most other spaces, that’ll seem ridiculous; but on the internet, that’s just how it goes. You have to give away content for free. Otherwise, no one would visit your site! However, have you ever thought about selling premium content on your site? If people enjoy reading your blog posts, then they’d be likely to buy an ebook or other paid content from you, too.

Partnering With Others

The internet isn’t just a world of individuals, all doing their own thing, and trying to get ahead. It’s an intricate system, in which the actions of one website can have a rippled effect on others. Why not consider partnering with other websites, and create an alliance that benefits everyone? It’s called affiliate marketing, whereby you get a percentage of any sales that come via your website. The quality of programs can vary, but the best affiliate programs can bring in a sizeable income. Of course, any products you’re recommending will have to relevant to your website. If they are, you should be able to bring in good money from just doing, essentially, what you were already doing!

Your Ad Space

You’ve got a lot of space on your website; how much of it is bringing in some cash? While you shouldn’t use advertisements invasively, used correctly they can provide you with some cash, your partners with a new audience, and your readers with products that will improve their life. No matter how big or small your website is, you shouldn’t have too much difficulty selling some ad space around the edges of your web pages.

Contributions From Visitors

If you’re continually producing top quality content that your readers love, then you’ll quickly build up a loyal audience. While you might wince at asking them for donations directly, there is another way: set up a ‘donate here’ button and leave it on the side of your website. You’d be surprised at just how many people are willing to pay for content without being asked.

Selling Goods

Finally, have you thought about selling goods directly through your site? You don’t need to have a store that’s overloading with goods. Just pick a few items, and sell them online. Even if it doesn't make you a millionaire, combined with the tips above it could provide a bonus income.

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