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As an online business, it’s always important to be trying to improve your offering.

Luckily, with new programs and software updates appearing constantly, there are an abundance of ways to keep yourself ahead of your competition with features, style and stunning designs. However, there is a downside to this overwhelming amount of choice; It can feel like an impossible task simply trying to decide which tidbits, tools or tips will work toward you having a wonderful website. That’s why, while we can’t even begin to cover all of them, we have whittled down a list of our favourite website effectiveness tips and tricks!


Web Scraping


While the name can have positive or negative connotations depending entirely in intent, the theory stays the same. A web scraper or data miner is a customisable software program that has the ability to pull the data from a website and translate it into an easily understandable form. When I say data, I am referring to every piece of analytics, code, images, and everything else that makes a certain page or site tick.

As you can likely guess, there are a multitude of benefits to having this kind of marketing intelligence. Whether it’s gathering data from websites such as eBay or Amazon to find out what your prospective clientele are looking for, or seeing how your competitors are reacting to changes in customer needs, this intelligence allows you the chance to stay up to date with everything that is happening within your specific field.

This allows you to adjust your website according to new data and changes in the market, ensuring that you don’t fall behind what your customers are wanting or needing to stay invested in your offerings.


Options For User Engagement


People like to believe that their opinions and needs are being heard, and so offering your users a way to give their input on what they would prefer from your website is not only a fantastic way of keeping people interested, it also allows you a valuable insight into what your customers want.

For all the fantastic boons that this ideology brings, there are some fantastic programs such as Appee that act as add ons to your pre-existing page that allow you to add surveys and services without major digital remodelling.

It’s not always a simple task finding out what your consumer-base is looking for, but luckily there are ways to ask them directly.




What’s the point of having a fantastic website if nobody can find it?

SEO stands for search engine optimisation, and is essentially the process of making your website easier to find and process for search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo!

It’s said that the drop off in interest from page 1 to page 2 of Google is immense, so having your website ranking top and centre is sure to get your offering to a significantly wider audience.


IT Integration


Managed IT services are oft looked at as a luxury or decadence that is somewhat out of reach for smaller businesses. However, there are many options for those that need to reenergise their efficiency that are sure to fit your pricing needs snugly.

As a brief explanation, managed IT service companies offer you a team of highly skilled IT professionals that look after the background areas of your website or network. What does that mean for you? It means that you have someone maintaining your server, ensuring that your website is running smoothly, and keeping backups of your work in case of major data loss or an attack just to name a few fantastic benefits.

This also means that you have more time to focus on boosting your brand and image, while a professional team ensures that everything is running smoothly.


Automating Your Business


For those that feel like they can’t necessarily afford full management by a professional team, the next best thing is to get a partner program that can pick up the slack. Business automation software is relatively cheap when compared to the ongoing costs associated with full management, and allows you to streamline a lot of the processes associated with running a website or online business.

This can include, but is not limited to; analytics assistance, scheduling, automated emailing, status reporting, and an abundance of other satisfying steps toward effective efficiency.

There are various different options for those hoping to bolster their effectiveness through electronic means, with add-ons to your existing IT setup available, or complete standalone programs that will likely lead to more comprehensive support.

So there we have it! Hopefully these helpful hints are enough to get you started on the journey toward a more effective and efficient website. However, if these options don’t work toward your needs, there is a wide world of possibilities ready for you to explore!

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