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In the past, businesses believed they could be as wasteful and ruthless with the world’s resources as they saw fit. The reason behind this wanton waste of useful products was the bottom line of the company’s incoming profits, and that dollar figure made all of the overworked resources worth it to the heads of those companies. These days, most companies have changed tactics in regards to sustainability of their business and its usages, however not all can make this noble claim. There are simple things that almost any company can do, such as purchasing more sustainable lighting from Melbourne LED lighting providers such as CLSA, or redoing plumbing to use less water overall. These are just some of the things that can be done to aid in making a company more sustainable, and there are many more discussed in this article.

Policy Change

Policy change may be the biggest and most effective thing a company can do in the interests of increasing sustainability, as it has a sweeping effect on all aspects of the company’s complex and intricate workings. Changing the policy on where it gets its resources from is a great example of this. Picture a coffee company that has a non-fair-trade-certified source of coffee beans. A sustainable change could be to shift to a fair trade certified source of beans, which could cost the company slightly more, but in the long run it will benefit the planet more.

Office Overhaul

Redoing the office is another way to increase sustainability. Installing LED lights in the ceiling has a once-off cost associated, which is changing the fittings throughout the office, and afterwards the energy used to light the building is significantly lower and produces much less CO2. Installing evaporative cooling instead of other kinds of air conditioning can also help to reduce the emissions of the office. These are both very doable for almost any office, and their associated costs are very quickly remedied by the money saved by their successors, both of which are good things for businesses big and small. A third option is mainly available to smaller businesses, or businesses that own their own premises, which is installing solar panels. Solar panels would further reduce energy costs, and increase sustainability significantly.

Greener Goals

Finally, we come to mission statements and goals. The goals of a company who cares about the environment and the planet we live on should be plastered all over their information pages on their website. A mission statement that involves sustainability will always gain appreciation from groups of people who fight for the betterment of our planet, and these groups are receiving a lot more traction than they did 20 years ago. Sustainability is becoming a must in all modern businesses, and any business that falls behind tends to be forgotten. Using questionable sources of materials is no longer an invisible  dark action in the background of a beloved brand, it is now all over social media and blared out into the internet by people with clout and a strong following. Risking your entire business to save a bit of money by cutting ethical corners is not viable in the modern day, and an adjusted set of goals and mission statements will show people you are committed to change.

These actions are fairly minor, and they all make serious impacts on the future of your company and the overall health of the planet. Making your company sustainable is the smart business move of the modern era, and these are some of the first steps.

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