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Business Mentor
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Starting a small business is certainly a worthy endeavour, but it can be challenging. For many would-be entrepreneurs, small mistakes end up creating big problems down the line. If you want to make a success of your small business, it’s important to take certain steps to ensure that you’re completely prepared from the outset. Take note of these tips, and then get started.

1. Get your finances in order. Handling the money right could make or break your business. Once you’ve set up a clearly defined budget for the first few months of your business, you’ll need to make sure that your accounts are being managed effectively. An accountancy service like One Minute Tax can be extremely useful when it comes to managing your finances. Make sure that you keep your business finances and accounts completely separate from your personal accounts.

2. Write a succinct business plan. While taking time over your business plan is sensible, you don’t need a lengthy, detailed plan unless you’re using it to entice potential investors. Create a one-page business plan that covers your objectives and strategies in a concise manner, then refer back to it and refine as you go along. Your business plan should help you clarify exactly what you want, and how you plan to get it.

3. Be conservative on the numbers. Many new entrepreneurs go into their business with plenty of enthusiasm. This is in no way a bad thing, but it can lead them astray when they project optimistically instead of realistically. Underestimate the amount of profit you expect to bring in for the first few months, and overestimate how much you think you’ll spend. That doesn’t mean you should accept these figures or aim for them, but it will give you a little more breathing room should things go awry.

4. Create a digital presence. In today’s marketing environment, your chances of success are minimal if you don’t create a solid presence online. One of your first steps should be setting up a website. It doesn’t have to be elaborate or perfect from the get-go, but it should be professional and represent your business in a positive way. If you hope to build a customer base and make sales quickly, get on social media and start searching for your target audience.

5. Focus on bringing cash in. In the first months of your business, you’ll need to get cash flow started as quickly as possible to ensure that you can keep the business operating. This means that solidifying your brand may need to temporarily drop down on your list of priorities. Focus on marketing, sales, and tracking leads for now, and let the brand build itself.

6. Become an expert. Before you plunge into the exciting world of small business building, take the time to do plenty of research. You’ll want to build your expertise in whatever industry or field you’re working in, so it’s important to understand all of the products, services, and competition that are out there before you make any major decisions. Networking with others and finding a helpful mentor with experience in your industry will do wonders to help boost your knowledge and understanding of the business, so be sure to create a solid support system around you to help you succeed.

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