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Having a business website is not very useful if the people who you want as customers do not know that it exists.

Large corporations have, for the most part, been around for a long time. They have cash to spend on creating and promoting their business websites. That gives them a big head start against newcomers in their industry.

Websites that have been online for some time have a lot of useful content that is unique, interesting and highly likely to be shared on social media. That is another advantage for established businesses.

How then do SME's ( Small and Medium Enterprises ) that are maybe just starting out, get into Google with some priority in order to compete with existing players?

A new website has very little site authority and will more than likely not be trusted by Google immediately. No matter how good the content on the site is or how special the products or services are, the site will be withheld from search results until Google's algorithms come up with a decision on the potential benefit of the site to its users. After all, Google exists to provide advertisers with space on and around search results, so its reputation is on the line. Google will send traffic to sites that it trusts.

So, if your plan is pay for a new website and sit back to wait for the phone to ring or the door to open, it will be a very unprofitable wait!

Help is at hand though. Google operates AdWords. AdWords is a program where businesses pay a nominated amount to Google to have their website ( or specific website page ) shown above normal ( organic ) search results. So, when someone searches for say "Holidays in Bali", Flight Centre will probably be on top of the search result page because it often bids the highest amount for travel keywords to beat its competitors to access to holiday makers who are keen to buy a ticket to Kuta.

It is the same with every keyword for any industry. Highest bid gets on top!

It is not all bad, as a new business can avoid waiting for Google to get around to showing their website for free by using paid AdWords.

AdWords is more effective when a PPC ( Pay Per Click ) expert is guiding the campaign. There are a lot of things to consider. Mistakes can be costly. Among the issues to be considered are the keywords to use, the value of the bids to submit and the daily budget to be deployed. Experts like offer advice on how to set up an AdWords campaign and how to manage it for optimum results.

AdWords is useful in other ways.

An old or under performing website can be given a traffic hit by buying some clicks from Google.

A business that is under pressure from an aggressive competitor can use a temporary AdWords campaign to gain an advantage.

A business or business person who has had some bad publicity can run a PPC campaign to boost visitor numbers.

A business that has renovated or completely replaced its website could use AdWords to maintain traffic ( customer ) numbers while Google finds and evaluates the new site.

When used in conjunction with a well managed and strategically thought out social media marketing campaign, PPC AdWords will be a catalyst to traffic growth.

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