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The Digital Age

Incase you hadn’t noticed. Everything is now on the internet. Whether it’s social media, business, news, TV. Literally everything is turning digital in the 21st century. So that’s where you need to take your business to be successful. No matter what you’re trying to sell, or promote, it can now be done most effectively through the internet. So here are some of the ways you can help your business thrive through the internet.


Marketing is huge! It’s what drives your business and gets the word around. There are so many platforms available on the internet to do this. Whether you choose to do it through social media, Adwords, youtube adverts, it really doesn’t matter. All are pretty much as effective as each other. It does take a lot of patience, and some can be a little costly. For example, with Adwords, you have to outbid your competitors to reach the top three ads. Now, if you’re a small company selling candles, trying to go up against a business like Yankee. You’re going to be spending a fortune. So make sure it’s not going to be putting you a loss. Social media is definitely one of the most effective. It’s cheap, it’s huge, and it works. It is hard to understand what packages Facebook offers to use. It might be worth going through a marketing agency so they can do a better job. Search around for people, look at their profiles and comments people have said about them, such as this King Kong digital marketing review. It’ll give you an in depth review into whether they’re worth using.

Link Building

SEO is huge at the minute. Link building is just one, rather large tactic of this. You can either have white hat, or black hat. White hat is the method Google likes and agrees with. Black hat is a little more off the books. It’s basically building links for pages on your website, to try to improve your rankings in Google. It is very complicated to get right. You can follow a pattern, or you may be penalised by Google. The links can’t just be random spammy links, or again, you may be penalised by Google. You can either rank for a keyword search. So for example, if you’re selling hoovers, people might search for small hoover, high suction hoover. When they search these keywords, tonnes of different hoovers are going to come up. If you build a strong backlink profile, yours should be one of the highest. It’s a complicated game, so it might be worth hiring an SEO consultant to help you.

Your Website

If you’re taking your business digital, you need to have a good website. It needs to be quick, good looking, and easy to use. The first landing page needs to be what draws the user in. Have all your best products on display, and even show what deals you have. Make sure the layout is clean, and every category is easy to find. Try using sensible colours like blacks and whites, rather than bright in your face ones.

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