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Queensland Premier Campbell Newman
Brisbane 25 July 2013. Minister for Small Business Jann Stuckey has addressed the Council of Small Business of Australia (COSBOA) National Small Business Summit in Brisbane, championing Queensland’s 412,000 small businesses operators.

The two-day summit is also the official launch event of Queensland Small Business Week from 24 to 31 July.

Ms Stuckey acknowledged Australia’s small business operators faced several challenges and outlined ways the Newman Government was helping them become involved with significant opportunities in Queensland.

“The State Government is doing its bit to stimulate sustainable growth and help small businesses position themselves to get their fair share of work flowing from events and major projects,” Ms Stuckey said.

“The Commonwealth Games being held on the Gold Coast in 2018 will provide an important vehicle to stimulate demand and small business growth.

“The Games will create state-wide opportunities through new market prospects and the broad range of goods and services.

“Also, through the Think Queensland, Buy locally campaign, the Queensland Government and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland encourages consumers to stimulate local businesses and help grow local economies.”

Ms Stuckey said a Buy locally Saturday initiative would be held this Saturday (27 July) to raise the community’s awareness of the role small businesses play in supporting the local economy and of the importance of shopping locally.

The Newman Government released the Queensland Small Business Strategy and Action Plan 2013-2015 in May, outlining 32 actions it is taking over two years – all focused on building profitable, innovative and resilient small businesses.

Queensland Small Business Week runs until 31 July, with more than 80 events across the State to help small business grow, succeed and prosper.

Visit to find out more about the week.

Go to to register for an event.

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