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Campbell Newman forges new business links with New Zealand
Brisbane 28 July 2013. New business, government and education links will be forged between Queensland and New Zealand by a formal delegation travelling through the nation between 28 July and 2 August.

Led by Premier Campbell Newman and including representatives from 13 businesses, the visit will incorporate site visits, meetings and briefings across a range of sectors, including health, transport, tourism, agribusiness, construction and higher education.

Mr Newman said the mission was the result of a direct invitation from New Zealand Prime Minister John Key.

“I thank Prime Minister Key and the New Zealand Government for the invitation and I look forward to a productive and mutually beneficial visit,” Mr Newman said.

Highlights of the delegation’s schedule include meetings with New Zealand Prime Minister John Key, as well as New Zealand’s Ministers for Health, Finance, Small Business and Economic Development.

Mr Newman and the delegates would also take part in site visits to the earthquake rebuilding zone in Christchurch, the Auckland University of Technology and the facilities of the Canterbury District Health Board.

Innovation in New Zealand’s transport and development sectors will be covered during meetings with Auckland Transport and Auckland International Airport Ltd, and site visits to Auckland’s harbour side development and Britomart Centre.

Mr Newman said the visit would provide fresh prospects for Queensland businesses and a broader perspective for his Government.

“The way New Zealand is pursuing innovation and development in the face of natural disasters is something we have in common,” he said.

“Just as New Zealand is rebuilding and focusing on resilience into the future, so are we, and these few days of face-to-face contact will add to our knowledge and understanding of how to tackle the tasks ahead of us.

“This delegation is a unique opportunity for Queensland to strengthen its government, business and philanthropic ties with New Zealand, and I’m confident participants will come back to Queensland with a new focus and passion for their roles.”

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