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Stress causes long-term damage

The sad truth about workplace stress is that it's prevalent in many working environments. We live in a society where convenience dominates our buying habits. As such, we have to work harder to provide on-demand or "fast" services. That usually results in longer working hours and, of course, stress.

If you don't think workplace stress is a big problem, think again! The following shocking facts will enlighten you:

Stress costs businesses billions in lost revenue

The thing about workplace stress is that it causes us to be ill. And when that happens, we are seldom in a state to be productive and efficient at work. As a result, we will take time off work. When that happens, companies can often struggle to meet demand. And that means plenty of lost revenue.

Stress causes long-term damage

It's not just the cost to business that stress contributes to. Workers suffering from stress can end up with physical and psychological problems. In extreme cases, it can cause people to have breakdowns or give up work entirely.

Stress exaggerates "fight or flight" emotions

When we become stressed out, our emotions tend to get intensified. That usually triggers stronger fight or flight emotions. As you might have guessed, we can sometimes end up being abusive to those around us.

Changes in the workplace can cause stress

Sometimes it's not the work we do that makes us become stressed. It can be down to things like changes in our working environment. The following infographic depicts some of the catalysts behind stress from change:

Infographic Designed By CDL Insight

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