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The office environment is tied closely to employee morale. But should you revamp your office?

Short answer: yes, probably

This is probably the answer you expected. If the answer were “no”, then this article would be over fairly quickly. But just like your average household, an office needs a thorough clean more often than people think. It can be difficult to achieve, due to all the work going on. And that’s why you should...

Send the workers home for a few days

And get them to take any of their excess things with them! Some personal belongings and fun junk are fine in an office. In fact, it helps add to a sense of personality and comfort. But you don’t need that stuff in the way. Nor do you need your employees in the way, so consider having as many of them as possible working from home for a few days.

Deep clean the rooms

Offices get mucky. And I mean really mucky. Most offices will have a professional cleaner come by a few times a week, but you’ll never get as thorough as clean as you actually need. Get all the technical equipment away from the desks, preferably in another room. Give the desks a wash and the equipment a thorough dusting. (Don’t get the two confused, here!) You should probably look into washing the carpet, too. Those things get more hygienic than you might think. Find out more at

Deep clean the air

You might think that sounds ridiculous. But this is an office we’re talking about here, so remember - there’s still going to be mountains worth of dust floating around in the air. Thankfully for you, you can get rid of dust and dirty moisture from the air in your office. Get an air purifier running at full steam for at least a day. Read more about it at

Get rid of all the junk

You probably don’t need everything that your business has accumulated over the years. Do you have excess furniture? A lot of paper files that you don’t use anymore? Stationary that stopped working ages ago? Now’s the time to purge the office of all of it, once and for all. Pile all that rubbish up then get it sent off somewhere far, far away. Find out more at

Making sure less junk accumulates in the future

Now that things are looking a little clear, you should probably take steps to ensure that things don’t get so messy again. You’ll have seen a few major problem areas, so you’ll know if you need to change the focus of your office cleaners in the future. As for the junk you just got rid of, I’m willing to bet there was a lot of paper. Start thinking about moving towards paperless from now on. Visit for more information.

Updating your digs

So you’ve thrown away some old furniture, given the place a good clean, and the workers still have some time at home. Now’s the time to give your office a new lick of paint. Now’s the time to update the furniture, getting stuff that’s more comfortable or interesting to look at. Get some design inspiration at

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