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Flood measures to protect homes and businesses

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A new floodplain strategy for Green Square
Monday, July 29th, 2013. A new floodplain strategy for Green Square and surrounding areas aims to dramatically reduce flood risk and safeguard local homes and businesses.

The Green Square West Kensington (GSWK) floodplain strategy and management plan is just one of the ways the City is ensuring water flow and drainage is properly managed across the local government area.

The GSWK strategy will involve the creation of a large underground drainage culvert running 2.3 kilometres through the Green Square town centre.

“We have a responsibility to plan for the future, and as the effects of climate change take hold we’re likely to see more extreme weather events that will put pressure on Sydney’s infrastructure,” Lord Mayor Clover Moore said.

“We are taking the first ever city-wide look at the drainage issues and flood risks that exist in Sydney. The Green Square West Kensington catchment is one of the lowest lying areas of our city, and subject to water ponding and flooding.”

The proposed drainage culvert will stretch from Link Road in Zetland to the Alexandra Canal, draining floodwaters away from homes, businesses and roads in and around Joynton Avenue, Lachlan Street, South Dowling Street and Botany Road.

The proposed $80 million drainage work will take up to three years to complete, and will be co-funded by Sydney Water.

The proposed drainage works will also include stormwater quality improvement devices, such as pollutant traps and rain gardens to meet the objectives of the City’s Decentralised Water Master Plan, which aims to reduce stormwater pollutants entering water ways.

The City has also committed $1.8 million to city-wide Floodplain Risk Management Studies, which includes $600,000 in NSW and Federal Government grants.

The Green Square West Kensington floodplain risk management plan is the first plan to be submitted to the Council.

The City has allocated $57 million for Green Square essential infrastructure drainage improvements, and $59 million over the next 10 years for drainage capacity works across Sydney.

Business Daily Media