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Brisbane 26 September 2013. The Acting Premier and Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning Jeff Seeney has decided to “call in” the development application for the Barro Group’s Mount Cotton Quarry extension project.

Barro Group lodged an application with Redland City Council to extend the existing quarry in 2012, but the proposal was refused in June 2013.

Under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009, Mr Seeney is able to call in projects that are regarded as being of ‘state interest’.

Mr Seeney also said there were concerns about the process council had undertaken in dealing with the Barro application.

He said before making his decision to call in the application, he sought comment from those who had been actively involved in the development application.

“I received a number of submissions throughout the consultation period, and I considered all of the matters raised prior to arriving at my decision to call in the application,” Mr Seeney said.

“As a result of my decision to call in the development, I will now undertake a re-assessment of the application against the relevant planning instruments and make a final determination as to whether the proposed expansion will go ahead or not.”

Mr Seeney’s decision to call in the application means that the current appeal in the Planning and Environment Court will have no further effect.

All parties who have been actively involved in the development application will receive notice of the final decision, once the re-assessment process has ended.

It is expected Mr Seeney will make a final decision on the application by the end of the year.

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