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Building Your Dream Home

Deciding to build a house is a huge decision but one that allows you to create the home of your dreams. Building a house from scratch isn't a simple task, but nor is it one that you should deem impossible. Homes come in all shapes and sizes and can be created in fantastic and amazing ways. We have all seen the brilliant ideas of mini-homes as well as the quirky creations dotted about the world. There are ways of building a home that is completely movable, like a pod house or bus transformation, or you might be looking to creating a more permanent structure. You might find that building around an existing building is better for you, or you might be happy to face the from scratch challenge head-on. However, you go about doing it there are some steps that will remain the same no matter what, and all will be needed before you can move on to the fun designing and decorating aspects.


You need to find somewhere to build your house. When buying land, it's important to take its composition into consideration. You don't want your foundations to be built on marshland, land prone to flooding or land lying on a fault line. Seek advice if you're not sure what you're looking for. You also need to get permission to build on that land before you even get planning permission to build a house. You might find that there are restrictions on size and height and even on how you can cultivate the land you're buying.


Now that you have secured a location for your home, it's time to plan exactly what you want it to look like. The best route to take is to get advice from an architecture firm; they can draw up the blueprints and leave it at that, or manage the whole project - or any level in between. They are the experts in this field so trust what they say. You can easily learn various skills yourself and have a much more hands-on approach to your build, but there is no harm in asking for help in areas like electrics and plumbing as these areas can cost you thousands if done wrong, and building a house already costs a great deal.


Speaking of costs… how are you funding this build? Most people who go down this route have been saving for years, and even then might still need some financial help from a loan. Set out a strict budget, but give yourself some wiggle room as there is no accounting for things like weather interruptions, accidents and delays. Human error and mother nature can easily sap up your spare money, so having a decent sized cushion is a must. As you're building think about ways, you can save money; using reclaimed bricks for example. For future savings, think about installing solar panels to your roof or garden.

Needs vs Wants

You may want a swimming pool and sauna, but do you need it? Is it an improvement you can make in a few years or do you need it now. If it fits into your plan and budget, then go for it! But there will be times when you have to compromise and decide between something you need and something you want. An en suite for the second guest bedroom might sound great, but if the space isn't there in the physical sense as well as the budget, then there's not much you can do. There's no point getting yourself into even more debt on something that isn't truly needed.

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