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Top 5 Must have negotiation skills

Top 5 Must-Have Negotiation Skills for 2021

Negotiation is something we face every day at work, regardless of position and type of activity. Negotiation skills are especially important for executives, line managers, and product managers, who, in the course of their activities aimed at promoting products, simply need to find common ground with partners. There are corporate and personal interests that should be defended, and an active personal and professional position is a “must-have” for any successful person.

However, no matter the topic of discussion, successful negotiations require practice to achieve the goals.

Must-Have Skills for Successful Negotiations

Negotiation skills are the transition from unconscious negotiation to the formation of the skill of managing the negotiation process, which allows you to conduct negotiations at a high professional level and achieve the planned measurable business results. Some of the core skills that negotiators need in 2021 are:

Good analytics

In the course of negotiations, you will have to evaluate many factors that have a significant impact on the tactics of the negotiation process. Evaluation is designed to ensure that all facts are presented correctly and arguments consistently line up.


It involves the ability to put yourself in the shoes of another. You should understand what the opposite side wants to achieve and why they need it. Putting yourself in the other person's shoes and answering the questions posed makes it easier to reach an agreement.


Planning involves developing a strategy and tactics for negotiating. A negotiation strategy is an overall plan for achieving the set objectives. Tactics are a set of behavioral attitudes aimed to achieve an intermediate result. This assumes flexibility and the ability to quickly rebuild if necessary.


Mastering the art of speech is necessary for building a productive dialogue. Such a dialogue is built based on cooperation, persuasiveness, and respect for other people's opinions. The negotiator must not only present their point of view but also subtly, without pressure, persuade the other side to accept it. Moreover, a master of negotiations quickly captures the mood of the partner, the train of their thoughts, and uses it for their purposes.


All information should be transmitted in an accessible, understandable, and logical manner. Communication skills involve the ability to listen to the other party, understand the essence of their objections and respond without offending the interlocutor. Communication is impossible without the ability to compromise.

During negotiations, you will need not only professional skills, but also some soft skills:

  • respect;
  • flexibility;
  • attentiveness;
  • sensitivity.

Phone skills are no exception and require the same qualities. Most of these skills are not something we are born with. They are worked on. Some take a little time to develop. Others may take a lifetime. Only constant improvement will make a person a high-class professional.

If you master the art of effective negotiations, you can easily close lucrative deals and contracts, convince your interlocutors of the correctness of your position, and constantly achieve success in your professional activities. The ability and skills of a successful negotiator will allow you to become an effective leader and an irreplaceable employee.


The communication process is one of the main components of any business. While not all people are born with innate communication skills, it is not that difficult to develop them. Iit is enough to understand what to focus on and where your weaknesses are.

Negotiation is an integral part of every person's life. Every day, we either get what we want or settle for a compromise. Skills such as listening learned in our Cosmitto Negotiation Skills course will be useful not only in your work life but also in your personal life. In the course of training, participants will receive answers to important questions and significantly expand their knowledge and skills in the field of negotiation.

Business Daily Media