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Business during a pandemic – the emergence of Australia’s new healthcare industry

From hardware and grocery stores to technical support staff and security guards, the healthcare industry is emerging as one of Australia’s job growth zones, according to employers.

Due to rapid increases in consumer demand and Australia’s ageing population, the healthcare industry is experiencing upward growth – albeit with an increasing reliance on technology. The rise of telehealth and health technology, propelled by COVID-19 lockdowns and social distancing restrictions, has identified numerous advantages in the use of these services and products to support and care for patients.

Convenience, flexibility and more equitable access make up the leading benefits to telehealth and health technology and as of April 20, seen over three million patients access Medicare telehealth services.

But the need for health technology existed long before the pandemic. Earlier this year, the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety revealed that innovation and technology can and should be utilised across Australian aged care facilities and those living with assisted care at home.

Tunstall Healthcare is a leading Australian provider of Connected Care and Connected Health solutions. Tunstall Managing Director, Lyn Davies says the company focussed on continuing to provide their high levels of remote patient care during the pandemic.

The dramatic shift towards self-isolation and social distancing for the elderly population has identified the need for assisted living products and services such as Tunstall Healthcare. While our products and 24/7 Customer Call Centre has continued to provide incident and medical support, or simply a friendly voice to talk to, throughout the lockdown period – like many other healthcare providers, we certainly had to adapt to the ever-evolving needs of our clients,” Ms Davies says.

In response to the pandemic, Tunstall Healthcare has expanded the capabilities of their current range of Connected Health solutions and developed a COVID-19 Screening Tool. The screening tool allows clients to connect with a healthcare professional virtually, who will use web questionnaires, chat or video conferencing to help identify potential cases or simply alleviate concerns. Ms Davies says providing the service reduces the burden on aged and health care workers, as well as minimising the potential of contracting the virus.

The tool allows care providers to collect health interview data remotely, track that data over time and identify where people may be at risk to conduct further screening and testing if needed. This provides a reference point for our clients and peace of mind in knowing that potential risks are being monitored and managed effectively,” she says.

The coronavirus pandemic has identified how technology can provide a gateway to human help, maintain social support and ensure vulnerable Australians are being cared for around the clock. Looking to the future of the industry, Lyn believes these devices and services will be at the forefront of caring for Australia’s population.

With a growing ageing population and increases in chronic disease within our communities, assisted care technology like Tunstall will be at the heart of service delivery for innovative healthcare solutions. The future of the healthcare industry sees artificial intelligence (AI), cloud technologies that apply to virtual clinics and consultations, hospital in the home, prevention and early response adapt to meet a growing and discerning market,” she says.

Tunstall Healthcare is a world-leading provider of Connected Care and Connected Health solutions. Operating in over 50 countries, their connected healthcare solutions play a key role in helping older people, and those with long-term health needs, to live safely and independently in their own homes. Tunstall Healthcare’s range of connected healthcare products include basic personal alarms to fully integrated home care solutions.

To find out more on Tunstall Healthcare’s technology and COVID-19 Screening Tool, head to

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