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SEO is not a four-letter word!

Is SEO one of those acronyms that keep you awake at night? Have you invested in an online presence and joined the world as it swings into the greenfield of electronic commerce and trade, only to deflate while searching for yourself online? Well, very much like an old store needed a telephone, a few billboards and some local newspaper ads to generate custom, “being online” is no guarantee of visibility either - it takes more. Among the literally millions of sites and nuanced ticks of search engines, getting online is great, as long as it’s accompanied by a capable and determined SEO strategy. One that produces results.

Not only is life online immeasurably faster, more detailed and glitzier than old school business, it also lends itself to data collection and analysis like never before. The long and the short of it all may seem to turn many loops and contain loads of jargon and tech-speak, but there’s a simple snapshot on it all too. There’s online, you’re there already, looking great. There’s getting people to your site (the lynchpin and, probably the one most responsible for sleepless nights). And then there’s dealing with your customers as they arrive as you so capably do, and enjoying the benefits of ecommerce of whatever nature.

Employing Melbourne SEO experts can bring it all together, facilitating that vital second component, and make the dream real. Put simply, SEO’s first objective is the quality of your traffic. The second is the quantity. And the third objective is an organic growth in traffic. That’s it. Yes, not so simple to effect albeit simple in explanation, but that’s why electricians and plumbers and tailors take care of things for doctors and lawyers and housewives - we all have a unique focus and specific expertise. SEO first clarifies the quality of your traffic, getting the right people to find you, not just all & sundry. You want legitimate clients looking at your offer. The quantity of traffic then becomes important, once your offer is being seen by the right prospective customers. Quantity is great, but only once customers are qualified as genuine. A million “Likes” without a sale doesn’t count. Hence, the first two priorities of SEO - quality (correct visibility) and quantity (traffic coming through from that visibility).

Finally, with good SEO, comes an organic growth of traffic. Traffic not enticed by advertising nor even via affiliate relationships online, but people who find you when searching for like products and come through to your site. ‘Free traffic’, for all intents and purposes.

There’s the wheel, and there’s the cart. SEO is the vital lynchpin that allows the stagecoach to roll and carry your treasure chest all the way home!
Business Daily Media