NextGen Climate Action released its fourth and final ad in the Keystone Chronicles series to explain the arguments against the Keystone XL pipeline. Extreme weather events are happening more often and with more ferocity -- 35,000 weather records ...
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 29,2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, NextGen Climate Action released the fourth and final ad in its $1 million TV ad series explaining the arguments for rejecting the Keystone XL Pipeline. The ad can be viewed at: www.KeystoneTruth.com.
NextGen Climate Action founder Tom Steyer, an investor and advanced energy advocate, concludes the four-part argument saying, "Mr. President, you've had real accomplishments when it comes to fighting carbon disruption. We're getting more miles per gallon out of cars and putting less carbon pollution in the air. Let's do the right thing on Keystone."
The fourth ad, "The Test," will run during Sunday morning political shows in the Washington, DC, New York City and national cable markets.
The ad was filmed in New York at locations, such as Wall Street, that were disrupted last year by Hurricane Sandy. Steyer explains, "Less than a year ago the Atlantic rose 13 feet high, pushing the sea into the city behind me, and shutting down the nerve center of our economy for days."
The ad cites a State Department analysis that found the Keystone XL Pipeline, if built, would produce as much carbon pollution as 620,000 cars. The ad comes after the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released this week itsmost recent reportthat humans are likely the "dominant cause" of global warming.
The TV ad series, "Bringing Down TransCanada's House of Cards: The Keystone Chronicles," is broken into four, 90-second spots. The series seeks to set the record straight about the impact of the Keystone XL Pipeline on our economy and America's land.
The three previous ads in the series took place in Port Arthur, TX, where Keystone oil will be shipped for export for the benefit of other countries; Mayflower, AR, the site of a March tar sands oil spill; and Altamont, CA, where wind energy is growing jobs in the clean energy industry.
About NextGen Climate Action:
NextGen Climate Action was founded by investor Tom Steyer to act politically to avert climate disaster and preserve American prosperity. Learn more at http://www.nextgenclimate.org.
Video with caption: "NextGen Climate Action released its fourth and final ad in the Keystone Chronicles series to explain the arguments against the Keystone XL pipeline. Extreme weather events are happening more often and with more ferocity -- 35,000 weather records were broken last year, costing our economy 100 billion dollars. Keystone XL would make the problem worse, adding as much carbon pollution at 620,000 cars. President Obama: Do the right thing on Keystone. Visit www.KeystoneTruth.com for the whole series." Video available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXSxQPCVYNU.
SOURCE NextGen Climate Action
RELATED LINKShttp://www.nextgenclimate.org
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