Business Daily.
Business Mentor
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The Member for Mount Isa Rob Katter said it’s important for people in the North West to have their say over the Newman Government’s Queensland Plan.

At a breakfast meeting on Friday 12 July at the Mount Isa Electorate Office, Mr Katter and North West Queensland delegates to the Queensland Plan Summit will outline the plan and ask the public for their input.

“From that summit, six questions were developed, and I’d value feedback on these questions from the people in my electorate.

“I don’t want the Queensland Plan to simply be a blueprint for development in the South East corner.

“I want the voice of the North West to be heard, but I need help from the people of this electorate.”

The questions are:

  • In the context of living in the community, how do we move our focus from me to we?
  • How do we create and foster an education culture that teaches skills and values to meet global challenges and optimise regional strengths?
  • How do we empower and educate individuals, communities and institutions to embrace responsibility for an active and healthy lifestyle?
  • How do we structure our economy to ensure our children inherit a resilient future?
  • How do we strengthen our economic future and achieve sustainable landscapes?
  • How do we attract and retain the brightest minds and ideas where they are most needed and capitalise on global opportunities?
The meeting will be held at 7am, Friday 12 July at the Mount Isa Electorate Office, 74 Camooweal. A light breakfast will be served. Please register by ringing 4743 5149 or emailing

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