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Darwin 5 July 2013. Northern Territory Minister for Essential Services, Willem Westra van Holthe, said Northern Territory small businesses and families are now being hit with carbon tax increases of about five per cent since 1 July 2013.

In line with Labor’s carbon pricing there has been tariff increases for water, sewerage and electricity services in the Territory.

“It is an absolute disgrace that Territory businesses and households are suffering at the hands of the Federal Government that is losing respect by the minute,” Mr Westra van Holthe said.

“The carbon tax has hit the hip pocket of every Territorian. In 2012-13 alone, the impact on average power and water bills has seen Territory households pay an extra $136 on average.

“The further increase of about five per cent will have another hit on Territory households and businesses.

“The carbon price has had a direct impact on all goods and services produced in our economy and affects individuals and business alike. With the Territory’s infrastructure needs already 50 years behind the East  Coast of Australia, the Carbon Tax will act as a further handbrake on addressing our infrastructure shortfall as it will affect every concrete pour and steel movement in the Territory.

“This whole carbon tax saga has been a shambles from the beginning, all starting with the former leader of the Federal Labor Party stating that there would never be a carbon tax under a government she led.”

The introduction of the carbon price is estimated to have added 0.7 per cent to inflation in the year June 2013.

Furthermore, extending the carbon tax next year to heavy transport will add around 7 cents a litre to the cost of fuel which will be passed on to the consumer.

“We need a Federal Government that is committed to helping businesses and everyday households, the first step will be abolishing the carbon tax,” Mr Westra van Holthe said.

“Labor’s carbon tax is hitting the hip pocket of every Territorian and every business. The carbon tax is a weight around the neck of business owners and should be abandoned. The Federal Government should think seriously about the implications of the carbon tax and the extra financial pressures it places on every Territorian family and business.”

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