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Abbott spoke second in the debate
Sunday 11 August 2013. Tony Abbott won the debate because he was the only Leader with details of positive plans to deliver real change for a stronger Australia and better future for all.

Despite breaking the rules of the debate by bringing his notes, Kevin Rudd had no real policies for Australia.

Tony Abbott won all the major issues with a real plan for jobs, lower taxes and strong border security.

Kevin Rudd wasted sixty minutes peddling falsehoods that the Coalition is going to increase the GST and has a secret agenda of spending cuts.

It is clear that in this election campaign, there is going to be scare a day, there is going to be a lie a day from Kevin Rudd and the Labor Party.

Mr Rudd was all talk but no action.
Australians can stop Labor’s lies on September 7th.

The facts about Kevin Rudd are:

  • Fact: Kevin Rudd was borrowing $100 million every single day
  • Fact: He got Australia into $200 billion of debt. And debt is projected to head past $300 billion
  • Fact: He wasted up to $8 billion on school hall rip-offs
  • Fact: He was the architect of the roofs batts disaster
  • Fact: He dismantled our border protection policies and now 50,000 asylum seekers have flooded in
  • Fact: He attacked the mining industry with a super tax that failed
  • Fact: He did a back-flip on the emissions trading scheme and he voted for the world’s biggest carbon tax
  • Fact: His mistakes and failures have driven up the cost of electricity bills, groceries, health insurance, childcare and education
  • Fact: He’s divided the Labor Party again with seven Cabinet ministers refusing to work with him

The rules

The Prime Minister Kevin Rudd will debate the Leader of the Opposition Tony Abbott.

National Press Club of Australia, Canberra
Sunday 11 August 2013

1. The debate will be moderated by David Speers, Political Editor Sky News

2. The Leaders will be questioned by a panel of three (3) senior federal parliamentary journalists:

Lyndal Curtis (ABC)
Simon Benson ( News Limited)
Peter Hartcher ( Fairfax)

3. There will be a limited live audience made up of representatives of the political parties, the parliamentary press gallery and the National Press Club.

4. The debate will open with a three (3) minute opening statement by both Leaders

5. The moderator will ensure both Leaders are given equal treatment and time.

6. The moderator will conduct a discussion allowing both Leaders to pursue the major issues that will affect the 2013 election campaign.

7. As directed by the moderator, the panellists will ask questions to each Leader in turn. Answers to questions will be up to a maximum of two minutes by each and up to a maximum of one (1) minute rebuttal for each. There will be strict time limits on answers.

8. The moderator will immediately intervene to prevent either leader from interrupting the other while speaking. The moderator may direct the executive producer to mute the microphone of the non speaker to ensure questions are answered without interruption.

9. The debate will finish with the moderator asking a general question to both Leaders in order to allow them to sum up for a maximum of three (3) minutes. The Leader who makes the first opening statement will be the first to make a closing statement

10. A coin will be tossed to determine who will make the first opening statement.

11. The Leaders will use standing lecterns positioned at opposite sides of the stage. The moderator will use a lecturn. The panel will be seated at a desk.

12. The Leaders may have a pen and paper on the lecturn and no other documentation or props.

13. The NPCA is to make arrangements for broadcast of the debate. The ABC will be the host provider of all production and direction services to the debate.The ABC will provide a clean live feed of the debate to all other media outlets. There is no restriction to audience response meters by broadcasters.

14. Three (3) federal parliamentary accredited photographers will be selected by the board of the NPCA to take photos on a pool basis. Photography during the debate will be permitted on the basis that photographers operate from fixed positions as determined by the NPCA (i.e. at the rear or sides of the studio) and cameras operate with no flash and in silent mode. Prior to the debate cameras may operate normally.

Photos shall be provided to all media outlets on a “pool” basis without charge or attribution and or claim for copyright.


These rules have been established by the agreement of both parties and the board of the National Press Club Given the dedicated staging and production requirements, for this event it is not possible to have other news and production crews in attendance

Debate footage – the parties agree not to use the debate footage for the purposes of the 2013 election campaign.

Camera close ups shall be restricted to the Leaders, the moderator and the panellists and not the audience

At the conclusion of the debate no other person is to be allowed on the stage or set.

Production and audio management issues are to be mutually agreed by the parties and the National Press Club.

No audience microphones are to permitted

Audience members are not permitted to use any personal electronic equipment such as mobile phones, cameras or laptops.

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