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Tuesday 13 August 2013. Despite Kevin Rudd promising to ‘terminate’ the Carbon Tax, the independent Pre-Election Economic and Fiscal Outlook has today revealed Australian households will face an additional quarter of a billion dollar cost impost – compared to the numbers released by the government just 11 days ago.

Shadow Minister for Climate Action, Greg Hunt today accused Mr Rudd of being deliberately dishonest with the Australian people following verification that households will continue to foot the growing bill for Labor’s destructive carbon tax.

“Mr Rudd knowingly misled the Australian people when he claimed, barely a month ago, that the Carbon Tax has been ‘terminated’,” Mr Hunt said.

“In just 11 days, the Carbon Tax has increased by nearly a quarter of a billion dollars in revenue – yet another slug on Australian families and businesses.

“Treasury also confirms today that the Carbon Tax will rise to $38 by 2019-20, meaning Labor will continue to hike up the cost of electricity for all Australian families.

“The Carbon Tax continues to cost families $545 this year. If Kevin Rudd and Labor are re-elected it will cost families $3,000 over the next six years.

“Rather than ‘terminating’ the Carbon Tax, Mr Rudd is knowingly hiking up the cost of electricity and doing business in this country.

“The only solution is a change of government. The Coalition will scrap the Carbon Tax lock stock and barrel while ending Labor’s chaos, confusion and uncertainty.”

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