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Karen Minogue Advocates Foreign Language for Future Advancement

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    CHICAGO, IL, September 19, 2013 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Karen Minogue is a seasoned traveler who has visited many international locales including Mexico, South America, Europe and Canada. In addition to speaking her native language of English, Minogue is fluent in Spanish and can speak conversational French. Minogue feels fortunate that her upbringing exposed her to different cultures and languages and helped to mold her into a well-rounded individual.

Because she is a huge advocate for the advancement of foreign language, Minogue was pleased to see a recent article in the Arizona Daily Wildcat discussing the benefit foreign language knowledge will have on the future.

According to the article, "A 2001 Gallup Poll found that 26 percent of American adults are fluent enough in a second language to hold a conversation. The same poll showed that 77 percent of Americans think it is necessary for new immigrants to learn English."

"This is an unrealistic and unfair standard," said Karen Minogue. "The knowledge of foreign language can help to benefit multiple nationalities, not just one. I think it is just as important for Americans to learn Spanish, as it is for Spanish immigrants to learn English. Immigration is inevitable. Citizens are relocating to new countries all of the time. I'm happy to see it and I feel that more people should be open to the opportunity to learn new languages and cultures from immigrants."

"On top of that, learning a foreign language does nothing but provide extra professional benefits for individuals in the work force," added Minogue. According to a 2002 Stanford University publication by Amado Padilla, "A professor of education at Stanford and editor of the Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, found that bilingual or multilingual employees are often compensated for their ability to speak more than one language."

Learning a foreign language even has health benefits. A neuroscience collective called the Dana Foundation has found that learning foreign languages can help to improve cognitive response, including focusing. Learning a second language can also help to decrease the rate of cognitive decline that occurs with age, claimed the foundation.

"With the world changing, learning a second language can only help you," said Susan Miller-Pinhey, manager of marketing and special events at Career Services. "In terms of employment, it makes you more valuable and qualified for whatever position you're after."

Minogue has personal experience to vouch for the benefits of foreign language. "Knowing fluent Spanish and being able to speak conversational French has only helped me in my career ventures. Foreign language has opened me up to a multitude of professional and personal opportunities that I would have never had access to if I could only speak one language," admitted Karen Minogue.


Karen Minogue is the founder of Minogue International, a private consulting business. Currently, she serves as the company's director of counseling. When she has free time, Minogue is spending time cooking, watching films, visiting art museums or staying active with roller skating or bike riding. Minogue is a well-seasoned traveler who had the opportunity to visit multiple countries growing up. She attended the University of Miami, where she graduated with a dual degree in Philosophy and Spanish. In addition to English, Minogue speaks Spanish fluently and French conversationally.

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