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Devorah Bitran Notes First Impressions Are Lasting in Apartment Leasing

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    BOSTON, MA, September 19, 2013 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Devorah Bitran is a successful property manager and real estate developer in the Boston area. Bitran knows just how important the right apartment is to a person's overall happiness. A calm and comfortable living space promotes relaxation, while an apartment that is noisy and run-down can cause a person unnecessary amounts of stress and anxiety. She applauds a new article that describes tips for apartment renters on securing a place they love, even in a competitive area.

Bitran points out that a renter must make a good first impression on the place's landlord or property manager in order to up their chances of securing that rental. Many people think that the apartment and its management team must impress them, when in reality this goes both ways. A person who appears to be rude, abrasive, or disorganized might set off a red flag within the management staff. They may fear that this person will disrupt other tenants or fail to pay their rent on time. For this reason, a good first impression is important for both parties.

"Unfortunately, some renters believe that it is up to the complex to impress them. In reality, this goes both ways. The apartment community and its management must show that it has plenty to offer, but the person interested in renting should also demonstrate that they will be a responsible and respectful tenant. For this reason, an interested renter should consider treating this first meeting as a job interview of sorts. They should arrive on time, be enthusiastic, and treat property management staff with respect and courtesy," states Devorah Bitran.

An interested renter should also avoid lying on an apartment application. Some people believe that they can fudge their credit history or make up references without consequences. In reality, these small lies will quickly unravel when the management team looks into the person's background. Instead, it is best to be upfront with the staff. A few credit mishaps years ago are no reason to be ashamed. Many property managers are happy to work with tenants who they deem trustworthy and financially responsible.

In order to enjoy a peaceful stay within that community, it is important that all people who will reside in the apartment have a thorough understanding of the complex's rules.

Those who plan on bringing kids along on the visit to an apartment community should ensure that the children are well behaved. Devorah Bitran notes that kids who run amok, tear up grass, and disobey property rules can hurt their parents' chances of getting a lease within that complex.

"If it is clear that the children are unruly, property managers may see this family as an issue. A property manager's goal is to ensure that the community is safe and enjoyable for all. If boys and girls are constantly making noise and destroying common areas, the staff will have to think twice before granting that family a lease," states Devorah Bitran.


Devorah Bitran is a mother of two who works as a real estate developer and property manager in the Boston area. Bitran places a heavy emphasis on education, and has studied at a number of prestigious universities and schools in her lifetime. This includes Georgetown University, Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and The Fletcher School. She strives to improve the lives of others, while focusing on her own personal and professional goals.

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