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Charlotte M.G. Langley Inducted into Worldwide Who's Who for Excellence in Fundraising

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    LONDON, ENGLAND, September 18, 2013 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Miss Charlotte M.G. Langley, Capital Campaign Director of Vitalise, has been recognized by Worldwide Who's Who for showing dedication, leadership and excellence in fundraising.

Ms. Langley has 27 years of work experience, having recently become a capital campaign director for Vitalise. His/her areas of expertise include relationship building, strategic and financial planning, media, fundraising, communications, and marketing. In the course of her duties, she is responsible for overseeing fundraising, marketing and communications, as well as financial and strategic planning and recruiting donors at all levels, particularly high net-worth individuals.

Coming from a legacy of success, Ms. Langley is the daughter of a senior British Army officer whose last post was the Governor of Bermuda. She has dealt with both physical and mental health issues and has used the obstacles that she has overcome as motivation for her to help others. Ms. Langley gets a real buzz from helping others, particularly when they are challenged by life-events and decisions. She believes that you receive what you give, but you have to give to receive. Her philosophy on life is: "I am not everybody's cup of tea, but if I am yours you will want to drink me every hour."

As a professional, Ms. Langley attributes her success to her drive, energy, persistence, and great sense of humor. She has excellent people skills, fabulous communications skills, and great business process knowledge. She became involved in her profession following a short period in the art market where she gained experience in marketing and communications but her passion was to make a difference to people's lives. Ms. Langley went on to combine her early voluntary fundraising experience with this passion, and she has successfully pursued a career in fundraising. The highlight of her career was raising many millions for a diverse set of causes and demonstrating the ability to rise to almost any challenge. Another highlight was working at Guy's and St. Thomas', particularly on The Evelina Children's Hospital Appeal, and now working for Vitalise.

Ms. Langley received a Bachelor of Arts in art history from The Courtauld Institute of Art, where she graduated with honors in 1983. She is a member of the Institute of Fundraising, a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, and a member of The James Caird Society. To give back to her community, she serves as a volunteer at her local Catholic church and an adviser for Pan Intercultural Arts, Amazing Children Uganda, and Little John's House. In years to come, Ms. Langley intends to continue making a difference.

Vitalise is a charitable organization that provides short breaks and holidays (respite care) for people with physical disabilities and caregivers. For more information about Vitalise, visit

About Worldwide Who's WhoWith over 500,000 members representing every major industry, Worldwide Who's Who is a powerful networking resource that enables professionals to outshine their competition, in part through effective branding and marketing. Worldwide Who's Who employs similar public relations techniques to those utilized by Fortune 500 companies, making them cost-effective for members who seek to take advantage of its career enhancement and business advancement services.

Worldwide Who's Who membership provides individuals with a valuable third-party endorsement of their accomplishments, and gives them the tools needed to brand themselves and their businesses effectively. In addition to publishing biographies in print and electronic form, it offers an online networking platform where members can establish new professional relationships.

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Contact: Ellen CampbellDirector, Media

Business Daily Media