Where and WhenHyatt Regency Orlando HotelChallenger 42, Mezzanine Level9801 International DriveOrlando, FL1pm to 2pm Eastern TimeMonday February 24, 2014
There is a fee to attend the event.
Interested parties should click this link to inquire:https://noworldborders.wufoo.com/forms/icd10-investor-roundtable-at-himss2014/
The some of the topics the round table will focus on include:
Myths about ICD-10 and physician resistance, as well as opportunities to improve clinical documentation. How these issues introduce financial opportunities and challenges. Impact of ICD-10 on healthcare and healthcare IT investments strategies. Impact of ICD-10 by market sector including healthcare medical service providers, pharmaceutical, durable medical equipment (DME), pain management, health plans, self-insured employers Impact of ICD-10 on health care IT firms, in particular Medicare claims processing, electronic health records, health insurance exchanges (HIX), health information exchanges ICD-10 Impact by medical specialty including orthopedics, cardiology, home health care, behavioral health, oncology and other specialties. ICD-10 and liquidity in healthcare provider market Potential impact of ICD-10 on certain securities Securitization of reimbursement risk related to ICD-10 What is working and not working in the ICD-10 transition - health care analytics, coding, and other strategies Who should attend?Private Equity firms Venture capital firms Public company investors Securities analysts Legal and regulatory compliance professionals Revenue cycle management executives in health care providers Regulatory compliance management in plans, providers, and IT firms Chief Financial Officers in managed care and provider firms Medical directors responsible for utilization management and medical policy remediation in health plans Why this topic is relevant in healthcare today The international classification of diseases version 10 (ICD-10) from the World Health Organization has been adopted in most countries globally. U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) issued a final rule that on October 1, 2014 the U.S. will adopt this new standard. ICD-10 for the U.S. has been expanded as ICD-10-CM for diagnosis codes and ICD-10 PCS for procedure codes. All HIPAA covered entities must comply with the law. HIPAA standards apply only to: Health care providers who transmit any health information electronically in connection with certain transactions, Health plans, Health care clearinghouses. A health care provider is any person or organization that furnishes, bills, or is paid for health care in the normal course of business. ICD-10 is expected to introduce favorable and unfavorable reimbursement results depending on an organizations readiness (planning, testing education and other activities). For more information see Could ICD-10 have as big a financial impact as the mortgage crisis? Yes. Here's why. (http://www.govhealthit.com/news/could-icd-10-have-big-financial-impact-mortgage-crisis)About Michael Arrigo
Michael is Managing Partner of No World Borders, a leading healthcare management and IT consulting firm. He was recently quoted in The Wall Street Journal regarding healthcare and HIPAA, and writes for Government Health IT and other publications. He leads a team of physicians, regulatory compliance experts, medical coders and IT systems experts.
Mr. Arrigo served as an expert for a team of economists and a premier litigation firm in New York and Washington DC, in a matter before the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. The matter involved an anti-trust issues deemed by the FTC as a matter of national economic importance. The matter involved large complex healthcare IT implementations; access to clinical data and documentation, electronic healthcare records, diagnosis and procedure coding in ICD-10, and computer assisted coding (CAC).
Mr. Arrigo has led investor diligence on transactions totaling $750 million to date for healthcare IT. One well-known client is a Silicon Valley Investor at the epicenter of several of the most successful companies in the U.S.. Arrigo led diligence for a Medicare Advantage, Accountable Care, and healthcare IT analytics firm. Recently he led diligence for a Private Equity firm in London regarding a $400 million acquisition of a U.S. cloud-computing firm that interconnects electronic records and other systems.
Mr. Arrigo leads engagements involving compliance to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 Title IV, Division B of the HITECH Act specifying Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Records in 2009, the U.S. HHS final rule mandating the use of ICD-10 for medical coding and sections of HR 3590 the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of January 2010. For more information see http://www.linkedin.com/in/marrigo
About No World Borders
No World Borders advises clients regarding disruptive regulations and disruptive technology in health care. Our company name springs from the idea that we support borderless health care and is inspired by Complexity Theory and Adaptive Systems in economics. Complex systems typically have fuzzy boundaries. Therefore, we believe that disruptive changes in healthcare mean that in many cases, traditional ways of "getting our heads round the problem" are no longer appropriate. We provide an independent advisory service to help our clients improve their outcomes and find strategic advantages. For more information see (http://www.noworldborders.com)
Company clients are:
Health plans and self - insured employers Hospital systems and other healthcare providers Healthcare IT firms developing EMR, HIE, analytics, ICD-10 coding and other solutions Pharmaceutical and medical device firms Investors in Life Science, Software as a Service, Cloud, mHealth, and Healthcare IT Legal firms and regulatory compliance teamsAbout HIMSS
HIMSS is a global, cause-based, not-for-profit organization focused on better health through information technology (IT). HIMSS leads efforts to optimize health engagements and care outcomes using information technology.
HIMSS is a cause-based, global enterprise producing health IT thought leadership, education, events, market research and media services around the world. Founded in 1961, HIMSS encompasses more than 52,000 individuals, of which more than two-thirds work in healthcare provider, governmental and not-for-profit organizations across the globe, plus over 600 corporations and 250 not-for-profit partner organizations that share this cause. HIMSS, headquartered in Chicago, serves the global health IT community with additional offices in the United States, Europe, and Asia.
For more information on HIMSS 2014 see http://www.himssconference.org/
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