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ProfNet Experts Available on Halloween Safety, Women's Sexuality, HIPAA, More

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NEW YORK, Oct. 18, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Below are experts from the ProfNet network that are available to discuss timely issues in your coverage area. If you are interested in interviewing any of the experts, please contact them via the contact information at the end of the listing.

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  • Women's Sexuality
  • Increasing Conception Odds
  • New Income Caps Provide Extra Child Support
  • Shutdown Means Slowdown for New HIPAA Regulations
  • Halloween Health and Safety Tips
  • Health Insurance Law, Mental Health Parity and Eating Disorders


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  • Media 411: Journalists Affected by Government Shutdown


Women's Sexuality Beverly Whipple, Ph.D., R.N., F.A.A.N.Professor Emerita and Certified Sexuality Educator/Counselor/ResearcherRutgers University"This is an increasingly important issue as we now have a higher population of women past the average age of menopause than ever before. But fortunately, science has shown us a variety of treatments that can help."Dr. Whipple is available to discuss why regular sex is so vital to a women's health, medical reasons behind a low sex drive and what can be done to improve one's sexual fitness as they age. She can discuss what women can do for some of the sexual changes that occur at mid-life, both traditionally and alternatively. She can also discuss natural, study-backed sexual wellness supplements, and how effective they are in treatment.She has delivered over 800 talks and keynote speeches, published over 180 research articles and book chapters as well as six other books on sexual health including "The G Spot and Other Recent Discoveries About Human Sexuality;" "Safe Encounters: How Women can say Yes to Pleasure and No to Unsafe Sex;" "Smart Women, Strong Bones;" "Outwitting Osteoporosis;" "The Science of Orgasm;" and the "Orgasm Question and Answer Guide." She is the recipient of the Masters and Johnson Award from the Society of Sex Therapy and Research as well as the Gold Medal from the World Association for Sexual Health. She was named one of the 50 most influential scientists in the world by The New Scientist. She is a foremost authority in the U.S. on women's sexual health.ProfNet Profile: Media Contact: Paula Page,

Increasing Conception OddsDr. Lynn Westphal,Director Stanford Center for Health Research on Women and Sex Differences in Medicine"Infertility is not an uncommon problem at all, and I see couples on their fertility journey every day. Fortunately, science has given us incredible information about creating a fertile environment in one's body, both for men and women."Dr. Westphal is available to discuss how couples can increase their conception odds, as well as IVF techniques, fertility preservation and third party reproduction. She has done research on natural fertility supplements, and can discuss their safety effectiveness.She holds a medical degree from Stanford University, and completed her residency in obstetrics and gynecology at University of California, Los Angeles and Stanford University. She received fellowship training in endocrinology-molecular biology from Stanford University, and completed a fellowship in reproductive endocrinology and infertility at University of California, San Francisco. She is board certified in both obstetrics and gynecology, and in reproductive endocrinology and infertility. She has served on the faculty at Stanford University, starting in 1991. In 1999, her interest in fertility preservation for cancer survivors led her to set up one of the first oocyte cryopreservation programs in the country. She is a recipient of a grant from the Breast Cancer Research Program to study chemotherapy-induced ovarian damage: prevention and impact.ProfNet Profile: Website: http://wsdm.stanford.eduMedia Contact: Paula Page,

New Income Caps Provide Extra Child SupportBrad LaMorgeseFamily Law AttorneyMcCurley Orsinger McCurley Nelson & Downing, L.L.P. in Dallas"Some divorced parents may begin receiving slightly larger child support payments under a revision to the Texas Family Code that went into effect Sept. 1. The Texas Legislature raised the monthly income cap, the amount from which child support payments are calculated, from $7,500 to $8,550. The parent paying child support typically pays 20 percent of his or her monthly net income (up to $8,550) for one child, with 5 percent added for each additional child, up to 40 percent for five or more children. Adjustments can be made if the non-custodial parent has children from other marriages or relationships. This could mean an extra $210 a month for one child, which is a lot to parents struggling to make ends meet. Of course, there are possible exceptions to the child support guidelines, so be sure to talk to your attorney if your needs exceed those envisioned by the Family Code." Media Contact: Amy Hunt,

Shutdown Means Slowdown for New HIPAA RegulationsSusan MurphyHealth Care AttorneyThompson & Knight in Houston"A new federal rule enhancing the protection of individuals' health information took effect last month, including stringent compliance and audit programs for health care providers and increased liability for their business associates. While this new HIPAA rule has wide-ranging implications, the government shutdown and suspension of the online tool to manage complaints has dampened the new rule's expected effects. There was a lot of saber-rattling over the past several months, but the audit program was always meant to roll out a little more slowly, allowing regulators to identify, prioritize and monitor compliance issues, not just enforce them. Although the complaint portal will likely double the number of reported privacy breaches, that increase should occur gradually. However, since the program is funded primarily by fines from enforcement actions, those breaches with the strongest supporting evidence and greatest potential for recovery likely will be the initial focus."Media Contact: Barry Pound,

Halloween Health and Safety TipsDr. Mellissa BarnettCalifornia Optometric Association"Colored contact lenses are a popular topic this time of year as many people prepare their Halloween costumes. Most people do not realize that contacts worn for cosmetic purposes still pose a potential health risk for the eye if not properly fitted. This is true even if there is no prescription on the lens.  Contact lenses are classified as 'medical devices' with the FDA.  Regardless of a corrective prescription, contacts are plastic on the surface of the eye and need to be fit properly and be taken care of properly to lessen the chance of vision threatening infections such as corneal ulcers."Dr. Barnett, California-based optometrist, is available to discuss tips on how to keep the eyes safe this Halloween. Media Contact:

Health Insurance Law, Mental Health Parity and Eating DisordersLisa S. Kantor, Esq.Founding PartnerKantor & Kantor, LLP"I encourage Michelle Obama to re-evaluate her participation with 'The Biggest Loser,' and to collaborate with weight-stigma advocates, eating-disorder organizations, and research and treatment professionals on the healthiest ways to advance the Let's Move message."Kantor, an authority on health insurance law and mental health parity, represents people denied health benefits for treatment of both physical and mental illnesses. Most recently, she has focused her efforts litigating insurance company denials of coverage for residential treatment of eating disorders. Kantor & Kantor is the only law firm in the country with a distinct eating-disorder practice staffed with lawyers and other professionals experienced in the specific needs of people who have been denied benefits for eating disorder treatment. Kantor sues health plans that refuse coverage, or agree to pay for treatment for a short period of time, forcing patients to be discharged before their health is restored. In 2007, Kantor won the first published eating-disorder decision in California in which the court applied the state's mental health parity law to beneficiaries who sought treatment outside California. In August 2012, she won the first federal court ruling that determined health plans must pay for all medically necessary treatment for mental illnesses, including residential treatment. For her achievements, she was recently nominated by the White House as a "Champions for Change" leader helping communities focus on prevention and public health by tackling everything from childhood obesity, reducing health disparities, fighting healthcare acquired infections, to taking various innovative steps to move us towards a healthier America -- based on wellness and prevention, rather than sickness and disease.More info: http://www.kantorlaw.netMedia Contact: Rachel Teicher,



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