Entrepreneurial training specialists, iBosses Corporation Limited (ASX: IB8) (“iBosses” and “Company”) is pleased to announce that the Company was successfully listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) on Wednesday, 30 September 2015.
iBosses listed at a premium of $0.21 cents against the issue price of $0.20 cents after successfully raising $2.7 million by the issuing of 13.5 million new ordinary shares at an issue price of $0.20 cents to achieve a market cap on listing of AUD $22.74 million. The company’s shares are currently trading at $0.215 cents.
Founder and Group Chief Executive Officer of iBosses, Dr Patrick Khor, said:
“We are excited, as the listing brings us closer to our aim of expanding iBosses operations to include 2,000 centres covering major cities across diverse regions in Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Australia, Philippines, Cambodia, Germany and America.
“By listing on the ASX, iBosses can ably demonstrate to young start ups that it is never too early nor are they too young to achieve the dream of running a publicly listed company in a world class Stock Exchange like the ASX in Australia.”
iBosses employs the eight-level entrepreneurship acceleration process: Passion, Ideation, Validation, Implementation, Commercialisation, Replication, Fruition and Actualisation, to mentor entrepreneurs whose businesses presently focus on regional markets but have high potential and readiness to venture globally.
To assist start-up businesses in preparation for success, iBosses offers four business revenue models:
· Entrepreneurship Training
· Entrepreneurship Mentoring
· Entrepreneurship Digital Channel
· Entrepreneurship Licensing
iBosses’ e-system on Cloud is a digital platform that showcases start-ups from all over the world to investors, customers and other entrepreneurs allowing for convenient connections with potential members, co-founders, and crowd sources.
Mr Steven Lau, Deputy Chairman of iBosses Corporation Limited, said:
“The ASX offers a sophisticated capital market, an internationally recognised and sustainable corporate governance environment, and a suitable platform for iBosses’ expansion.
“iBosses’ market adaptability should give shareholders great confidence in the Company’s ability to take on to the new challenges and the exciting new phase as an ASX listed company with zest and vitality.”
iBosses is an internationally recognised corporation that is dedicated to inspiring and leading potential entrepreneurs in their pursuit of success through individually-tailored training programs.
With a vision to be the global leading provider of Entrepreneurship Training and Development, iBosses’ services include Entrepreneurship Training, Entrepreneurship Mentorship, Entrepreneurship Licensing and an Entrepreneurship Digital Platform. These services are intended to nurture, groom and grow successful entrepreneurs via iBosses Global Platform.
Established in 2014, iBosses Corporation Limited is based in Australia, and has expanded to include multiple centres located in Singapore (iBosses Private Limited), Hong Kong (iBosses Hong Kong Limited) and Malaysia (YES Academy Licensee). iBosses has been registered as a member of the Franchising and Licensing Association (Singapore) – FLA Singapore – iBosses.
For more information please visit: www.ibosses.com