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Although business success depends heavily on the amount of revenue you receive, this revenue cannot be created without efficient business processes. A successful business needs great people and fantastic internal governance before it can begin to make sales. Leaders are the pillar of any organisation, however sometimes they aren’t as effective as they can be. We’ve put together 7 telltale signs of dysfunctional leadership. Does your business display any of these?

1. Poor communication

A good relationship, whether it’s romantic, friendship or professional, depends on stellar communication. If leaders can’t adequately communicate what they expect and what the business requires, how are the employees supposed to perform? When leaders can’t communicate well, you can bet your bottom dollar that it will spread to the rest of the organisation.

2. Dishonesty

Sometimes, leaders will lie to please customers or clients or to get ahead of their competition. The best case scenario of dishonesty in a business is that the business will fail. The worst case scenario is prosecution for fraud. If you see signs of dishonesty in leaders, no matter how small, make sure you report it and bring it to the attention of authorities, to protect both yourself and your business.

3. Passive-Aggressiveness

An increasingly common communication blunder for leaders is to employ passive-aggressive tactics. Often, people utilise passive-aggression to avoid confrontation. However, the consequences are much worse than if a simple mediation was executed. Passive-aggressive behaviour displeases all parties, always; it is never the answer. Avoid this sort of behaviour by being upfront and clear at all times.

4. High Turnover

A key sign of poor leadership within a business is a high turnover rate. If employees are constantly coming and going, you can be sure that the business processes that are in place are ineffective. If the internal governance was working, employees would not have a reason to leave! If you notice your business has a high turnover rate, think about contacting some leadership training specialists, in order to fix the problems before they become serious.

5. Non-Committal

Leaders can also operate dysfunctionally by not committing to a strategy or a plan. It is a terrible feeling for an employee to feel like their direction is changing by the minute. While change can be adapted more rapidly in a stronger culture, in a weak or dysfunctional culture, the fragile nature of the employees can be broken by even the smallest changes.

6. Politics

Politics within the workplace is a detrimental and corrosive culture! A management team or individual driven by political gain which can be a promotion, bonus or gift is absolute worst. When it becomes obvious that management is acting on an agenda that isn’t in the best interest of the business, then you have a big problem. Unfortunately, however, this is all too common.

7. Division

Sometimes, members of management will intentionally or unintentionally drive a wedge between employees or people. Even though companies are usually divided into segments to cover the various areas of operations, holistic synergy is ultimately required for maximum success. Creating division within teams is often done with negative intent and may be used to cover up larger problems and to protect agendas. Watch out for this one!

There may be no faster demise of a great idea or business than dysfunctional leadership. However, do you know the signs to watch for? If you catch them early then, more often than not, you can enact change and start to improve.


The team of leadership training specialists at Pure Magic Business are committed to building resilient organisations and helping businesses meet their key objectives by creating competent leaders, people and teams in time of change.

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