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Top 5 reasons to reevaluate your office design

Do you enjoy coming into work every day? Some of us do, some of us don’t - but no matter whether you love your job or you hate it, the office environment you work in makes a big difference to how you enjoy your day at work. You might think that your level of enjoyment with work has to do with the tasks that you’re doing - and this is true, but there are many other factors that influence your day. The design and layout of your office has a big impact on how you perform at work, and to this end, I’d like to explore my top five reasons to re-evaluate your office design. This is produced in conjunction with the Acacia Group in Sydney and I hope this piece gives you a new understanding of why and how to design your office for greater results.


People need to be stimulated at work

A huge part of people’s enjoyment of work and their output comes down to how stimulated and active they feel at work. If you have a workspace that is poorly designed and that doesn’t foster collaboration and participation, you may notice that people at work won’t be giving their all. A revamp of your office design with a focus on greater participating in group work and more team-based activities could be perfect for your office. Of course, this depends on the kind of office that you have - and it’s always important to have plenty of spaces for both private and group work. People work differently, and it’s important to consider everyone when planning an office design.


It refreshes the work force

If you have a cohort of people who have been in your office for a while, they may have stagnated and become used to the way things are set-up and coordinated. As a result, spending some time refreshing and revamping the space will go a long way towards shaking things up. You could even get people on board with talking about how they would manage the space better. This will improve team bonding and morale, as people will feel more valued in the workplace.


Your staff will appreciate it

It’s always nice when your superiors go above and beyond for you, given how much time you put into your work. Treat your staff to an office revamp and watch them flourish under the warmth of appreciation.


You’ll be more on-brand

If you’re a creative company or a corporate entity and you’re working in a space that does not exemplify your values as a company, it might be worth spending some time on your office image. While the space you’re in doesn’t directly impact on the quality of your work, you will notice a difference in employee and workspace culture which will translate to having an impact on your work output. People respond well to feelings of oneness with their workspace, and will create more meaningful work when it’s bolstered by the workspace.


You’ll notice a difference

A great reason to make a change is that when you change your office layout you’ll notice a difference, and when that goes on to be a meaningful difference, it is a great thing for your work, employees and your business.


No matter what stage your business is it, an office revamp could be just the thing to revive a fatigued workforce, to invigorate your sales or to boost morale. Consider it an investment in the output of your business and work with your team to get the best results. Good luck with making your office the best possible place that it can be.


Business Daily Media