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Cloud computing is not a new idea, but it has taken the business world by storm in recent years. Using applications from anywhere, anytime on any internet enabled device sounds like a dream, yet for more and more businesses it is becoming a reality. The days of each company having a server room and a massive IT department are slowly receding into the distance. Aside from the convenience thereof, here are three good reasons you should consider cloud computing, for your business.

1. Cost

When considering a move to cloud computing, many companies are concerned that it will end up costing more than it is worth. Why pay a service fee if you can have a one-off expenditure? If you do a cost-benefit analysis however you will soon see the benefit column quickly overshadows this cost. Using a third party’s infrastructure means that you can save massive amounts on server upgrades, software purchases and much more. Cloud computing also helps you avoid the costs associated with data loss. If a server crashes it can be incredibly expensive to try and recover the data, but if you use cloud computing that worry is a thing of the past.

2. Quality

With cloud computing you can get the best IT services possible. The infrastructure companies who provide these services use are light-years ahead of your average business. From the hardware to the software it makes business sense for them to stay on top of new developments, and this impacts positively on the product you as end user are provided with.

You also have more control over your IT resources. You get only what you need from the provider, with no need for bloated IT infrastructure. It is also much simpler to change your IT requirements as your business grows. The quality of oversight possible is also much better with cloud computing as you will be working with infrastructure geared to be measured and evaluated. This means you as a business can make better, more informed decisions.

3. Agility

Data storage has come a long way both in terms of capacity and size. It is possible to carry some company’s entire data store on a removable hard drive, but even that is no longer necessary. If you need to share files, cloud based services make it incredibly easy to get your document to a collaborator on the other side of the world in seconds. Google Drive, DropBox and similar programs have made the “global village” into a global office.

Cloud Computing has also started catering for specific requirements. There are cloud services for collaboration on documents like Google Docs, organising travel like TripIt and even cloud HR systems provided by XCDHR. Cloud computing lets you get things done anywhere and anytime. Not being bound to one office or one desk creates increases productivity, as no longer does being “out of the office” mean out of contact.

There are of course pros and cons to any system. These three reasons to move are only the ones we find most compelling. Take your time and do your research, but make an informed decision and remember that this is the direction IT and business is going. Do not be left behind.

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