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Keeping employees happy is always one of the biggest challenges for employers. Australia is home to some very hot and cold temperatures, these extreme temperatures can have a real impact on staff productivity. Although this may seem like common sense to many for some lack of heating and cooling isn’t something that is thought about. A small desk fan sometimes just doesn’t cut it.

Investing in a good air conditioning system is always good for business. Happy workers are better for business. We have put together the top 5 reasons why air conditioning can improve your office's productivity.

1. Employer Responsibility

As an employer it is your job to ensure your staff are comfortable at work. Trying to work in an office on a 40 degree day without air conditioning is anything but comfortable. In order to get the most out of your business you need to get the most out of your staff. A comfortable work environment means your workers will be able to perform at their best.

2. Stable Temperatures

It is surprising to many that maintaining a stable temperature all year round increases office productivity. If the workplace is too hot your staff will become sluggish, sleepy and irritable. If the environment is too cold your workers will lose concentration, become lethargic and stiff. Setting your air conditioning to the right temperature will ensure office workers are comfortable and able to work to the best of their abilities.

The ideal temperature to work in is 21 Degrees. A stable temperature like this will ensure your staff can work comfortably all year round.

3. Eliminate Health Problems

Following on from point 2, a stable room temperature can help eliminate a few common health problems found in office workers that do not have access to air conditioning. It may interest you to know that many office workers fall victim to a condition called “Sick Building Syndrome”. This is caused from working in cold conditions. If the temperature is too cold workers can start to have problems with an irritated respiratory system and eye problems such as dry eyes.

Alternatively, if the environment is too hot workers will start to overheat and have problems due to sweating such as heat rash and in some extreme cases heat stroke.  Maintaining a comfortable office will cut down on staff sick days and increase productivity.

4. Stop Heat from Electronics

Offices rely on technology to get their job done. Electronic items such as computers add a lot of heat to an office. With the ability to control the rooms temperature you will be able to cut down the amount of heat felt from these electronics.

You will also find that any technology used in your office will last longer and work more efficiently due to air conditioning. Some IT technology is sensitive to heat and needs a cool environment to run efficiently. A machine that over heats will consistently cost money that could be better spent on other parts of your business.

5. Temperature Control

Believe it or not but workers feel much for comfortable when they have the power to control the temperature of their work environment. This boosts morale as staff know they can turn the temperature up or down whenever they need to.

In saying this, there does need to be room for compromise as workers do not all have the same preference when it comes to air conditioning. You need to take into consideration the difference men and women and younger and older staff have when it comes to heating and cooling. It is important that everyone is in agreeance before the temperature is changed.

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